Since my question yesterday was concerning 'brain fog', I thought my word for today should be
encephalopathy - here are specifics about the word
This is a blanket term referring to any brain dysfunction. It can commonly be called 'brain fog'.
However, encephalopathy occurs in advanced liver disease when the liver can no longer filter toxic byproducts of metabolism.
It ranges from minor changes in memory, concentration, personality or sleep pattern thru coma.
Encephalopathy is VERY rare in PBC.
There is a difference between this (in PBC) and more common mild cognitive symptoms.These more mild occurrences can be present at ANY stage of PBC.
If you feel you are experiencing any form of these changes, it is helpful to have a conversation with those who are around you . They may notice changes that may help you be even more aware of this. Telling your doctor is important as well.