Autoimmune diseases - bit of a slippery slope - a paediatrician friend once said when I shared my 4th autoimmune diagnosis. Now I fear I’ve got another to add to the list! Does anyone also have Systemic Scleroderma?
systemic scleroderma : Autoimmune diseases... - PBC Foundation
systemic scleroderma

yes, I also have scleroderma. ☹️
I have limited but my rheumatologist ordered a scan of my heart and lungs in the beginning to make sure there was no hardening. I’m sure it will be repeated at some point. I also have Raynauds.
Hi Gail
Yes I have Raynaud’s already diagnosed. Are you taking any meds for scleroderma?
no but my Raynauds was worse this winter. He did a lab to see if schleroderma has worsened. He said it had because of the lab results and the fact my Raynauds has worsened . Wanted to put me in a med to help circulation but I wouldn’t take it.
Nefedipine when it’s really cold but worried about effect on liver. Clinical pharmacist prescribed it but want to discuss with GP before next winter
I have localised scleroderma
I have Raynauds
I have Raynaud’s and tested positive for scleroderma; my rheumatologist thought since I have no symptoms from scleroderma, that it is probably elevated due to my other autoimmune diseases. I have PBC/AIH - diagnosed 2011.