Hi may not be related but I’ve never had boils before if that’s what is but I’m sure of it . I had one couple weeks ago that was very hard and red and swollen on my bottom , it went itself in time but now got one on my bra line been there a week and so sore red and swollen. I’ve looked on line about boils and it says people with auto immune problems are prone . Anyone else have this problem?
Boils on skin: Hi may not be related but I’ve... - PBC Foundation
Boils on skin

No a usual problem for me, boils can also be a sign of being a bit low. Maybe worth a chat with the pharmacist who can no doubt recommend a pharmaceutical product. Hope you get rid of the one on your bra line, I am sure it is very uncomfortable.
Hi Shezza! So much we don’t know! Over the summer I got a raging rash on my right lower arm. Nowhere else. It went from red to deep, deep red. Then all the bumps came. Within a day or 2 these bumps filled with fluid. Crazy.Dr gave me topical cream and a steroid. Between PBC and few other autoimmune problems, I’m leaning towards that is the reason for some bizarre ailments.
Good luck!
I've had them inside my ears in my nostrils and on my head but none for the last 9 months I've had about 10 altogether but before pcb I might have had about 3 in my life
Thinking back now I kept having like a recurring spot blister like inside of my nostril now wonder if that was part of it too . Like you never had before .
I get boils on my bra line and where my pants are. Takes what seems like forever to go away and really does hurt. Mine is an autoimmune disease called HS. They say when you have one autoimmune disease there's always more that follows. Good luck. I don't wish this on anyone
Maybe I should contact my consultant about this or my doctor ? Thank you for reply x