Good morning....In case you are reading this and have no idea who I am or what has been going on, I'll bring you up to speed. I have been reconfirmed through a second biopsy that indeed I do hav PBC and an AMA negative. My numbers flared up last summer, high that ever. I am not able to tolerate URSO...have bad reaction to the fillers used. So, over the last 25 years, no meds, but lots of alternative methods tried. About 3 months ago, my Hepatologist insisted I go back on URSO, that I had no choice but to see if that would help with the related GI issues I had been experiencing for a long while. So, researched natural bile salts. Landed on some articles sighting TUDCA at 500mg/2x daily for my weight. what could I lose? forward 3 months of faithfully taking the very clean, filler free bile salt TUDCA by Double Wood, and it's time for labs. Huge reduction in LFT's. ALP can down over 200 points. I'm so excited. As soon as I began using TUDCA, my gastrocolic reflex issue resolved. Things get better daily... So if you are not having luck with URSO, or have an issue with it's ingredients, do a little reading..
Be well....Micheline