Hi does anyone have any underarm swelling? I’ve had this for over 4 weeks now and I know it can be that you’re fighting an infection that can cause it but I’m wondering now if it’s PBC related as I’m not aware of having any kind of infection. I’ve also got a bit of swelling near breast but I think that’s been caused by a recent mammogram.
Swelling under arm: Hi does anyone have any... - PBC Foundation
Swelling under arm

I think you need to speak to your GP, it is not something I have heard of over the years that it is PBC related. Have you had the results of your mamogram yet? Are you able to self check your breast especially around the area where the swelling is, over the years I have never had swelling after a mamogram.
Please do come back and let us know how you get on.
Yes the mammogram was all clear that’s what made me wonder if it could be PBC related although like you say I haven’t seen anything about a connection either. I think the swelling may have gone down a bit today so I’ll keep an eye on it and if it doesn’t go away I’ll try to get an appointment with my GP. Thanks for your reply and I’ll come back and let you know how it goes.
ANY swelling in that area needs to be checked by your doctor asap. I've never had swelling after a mammogram or heard of anyone else experiencing it so please get it looked at.
I had a red line after my mammogram I think it was around that area which is what made me wonder if there was a connection with the swelling near my breast but I would have thought it would be away by now. It doesn’t look so swollen today so I’ll keep an eye on it and if it doesn’t go away get it checked out. The good news is that the mammogram was clear. Thanks for your reply and I’ll hopefully be reporting back that all’s well.
Hi blubelle I have raised lymph nodes under my arms, groin and neck both sides. I’ve been thoroughly checked after having 3 nodes removed from my neck, I was told they are “reactive” due to my PBC and my autoimmune fighting against me. I’m not saying that’s what yours is but don’t panic, until it’s been diagnosed xx Jane
I wonder if it could be vaccination related? I had swelling and occasional pain for several months in the armpit where I had my vax. I still get a mild ache in either armpit since then, but it's very rare now 8 months later. Or I wonder if it could be caused by another type of autoimmune disease since people often have more than one, such as rheumatoid arthritis? Just a wild guess.
I had swelling and occasional pain for several months in the underarm where I got my COVID vaccinations. I wonder if that was the case with you?
I don’t think it’s vaccine related but who knows! I did see the nurse at my GP practice who referred me to Breast clinic to get checked out and they said it isn’t breast related. To be honest I haven’t bothered to do anything more about it. It hasn’t got any worse so I’m guessing it’s just another new normal for me!
Thank you and to you ☺️