I was recently given a steroid injection for sinus by my gp. I am worried it will affect my liver.I am early stage pbc and take 1000 mg of urso a day. This is a one off injection and i wont be getting another one.its called depo medrone 40mg.any advice would be appreciated thanks
Steroids and pbc: I was recently given a... - PBC Foundation
Steroids and pbc

Hi Ballymahon2,
I don’t know that steroid and can’t say for certain, however, there are a lot of us that have had to take oral steroids for liver and steroid injections for joints . I doubt your Doctor would have given you injection without checking if suitable. If you are concerned though, contact surgery and speak to doctor about it.
Take care x

Thanks i will
Morning...About a year ago, I was misdiagnosed with pink eye. Turns out it was a sinus infection. I was given the same injection in E.R because the infection was raging. I too had the same concern. Sometimes we have no other choice than to take the risk. Turns out that it did not affect my lab work and definitely helped calm down my swollen shut eye. It is unfortunate that the world does not stop after PBC. In the perfect world, we would never have any other issues. In the last 23 years since my diagnosis, there have been very few times that I was faced with this dilemma. I hope you stay healthy and happy. Be well
Hi ballymahnon2
Sorry to hear of the problem with your eye,
I have just had a strange experience with steroids, I am a non responder to urso and have been on bezafibrate for a year still with an ALP of 800 plus I was recently diagnosed with another autoimmune condition of the skin called penphigoid and prescribed a very high dose of steroids at 40mg of prednisone a day well with in one week my ALP dropped to 200 and 2 weeks later in the normal range and I have no pain and feel amazing ........I’ve been told by my hepatolgist that I can’t take them long term but what ever that have done to my bloods has been the only thing that has worked so I would defiantly check with your hepatolgist but I wouldnt worry too much I’m sure it will be fine
Stay safe
Can I ask you what the steroid injection was for as I suffer from chronic sinus issues. Anything that would help would be great. Xxx
Apparently my sinuses were so infected by the time my eye was swollen shut, that they needed to reduce the inflammation. I don't recall any drastic side effects. What I do remember is my face feeling better fast. My sinus infection was masked by what 2 urgent cares and 1 ER said was pink eye. they never looked past the teary, red eye to see what w\the cause was. I used to have sinus issues years back and used saline solution regularly which help keep things clear. I also used Pau De Arco in my 30's for sinus problems. That cleared them up for years! Be well
Sinus pdoblem
I've got steroids in my inhaler been taking it for 5yrs due to COPD