I know hair loss is one of the things I was anticipating with the diagnosis but never imagined it would be in this massive amount! I am losing hair every minute and my pony tail now is so thin and empty I wonder if this is because of PBC or because of URSO and is there anything that can make it better or lower this side effect a little? Thanks x
PBC and Hair loss: I know hair loss is one of... - PBC Foundation
PBC and Hair loss

Hi N-Sedky,
I found i lost alot and begining of medication,even got hairdresser to cut me short. Not advising that drastic action though 😁. It did settle and my hair did get nice and thick again after a few months 😊. I am experiancing it again but just changed for urso to obeticholoc acid so putting it down to the that and hoping it sorts itself out again.
Take care xx

Hi Angel, oh very strange! So the medication causes it not the pbc? Is it related at all with the progression of the disease? Hope it settles for you again soon.
My doctor has found that Urso can come with anemia. Once we got my anemia under control my hair started growing back. There is hope! I lost a ton of hair and it’s all back to normal now.
I found that I had an extreme amount of hair loss pre-diagnosis. With urso and other supplements that I am taking it seems to have settled down. Good luck N-Sedky I hope it settles down for you too. Maybe check whether your are low in other minerals and vitamins, as absorption of nutrients is impacted by PBS and other AI conditions.
Hi Odie, thanks a lot. I do take a Multivitamin and Omega 3,6,9 everyday but you're right I might need a blood check in case something is particularly low.
I am trying to have a comprehensive blood test every six months last done in January 2020 - including Liver Function Test (Bili/ALP/CGT) Vitamin D Iron (which tends to be low) and Thyroid Function Test. Also hormones. I'm taking some supplements recommended by a doctor that specialises in liver (though not a liver specialist - Australian Dr Sandra Cabot), however my general practitioner thinks they are a waste of money, but I will still take them as I don't think I'm getting all that I need from my food. Though I wish I was. And I've changed my diet for the past almost 2 years since the GP and a Chinese Medicine practitioner both thought there was something wrong with my liver, before a PBC diagnosis - no alcohol, gluten or dairy, or sugar - lots of fresh homemade food - though am getting tired of that so easing up a little - likely won't ever drink alcohol again though.
Biotin helps hair come back and it doesn’t impact the liver. But it takes a few months to see results
I have taken daily Biotin (a B vitamin) for years. It has really helped me and worth your trying.