Hello has anyone been on TPN via pik line and ended up with low protein? Or is TPN dangerous for someone switch stabilized PBC?
TPN AND PBC?: Hello has anyone been on TPN... - PBC Foundation

Total parenteral nutrition: Intravenous feeding that provides patients with all the fluid and the essential nutrients they need when they are unable to feed themselves by mouth. Abbreviated TPN
I had successful TPN post-abdo surgery and I have PBC.
As a lay person I'd say low protein would unlikely be caused by TPN (total nutrition).
There is a risk of infection if the line is not maintained appropriately.
There was a rare case about 5 years ago where it was reported that contaminated formula caused the death of two neo-natal babies. (this was not due to incorrect administering of TPN by hospital staff, it was contamination within the pack from the supplier)
Best wishes
I was hospitalized in 2014 w/ruptured colon and on TPN via a double pik line approx 7wks with no ill effects.
Thank you for your response. You obviously also couldn’t take your Ursadol either right?
I was on so many other drugs (both orally and intravenously) due to having gone into septic shock twice. If I’m remembering correctly, I was off the Ursodiol for almost 2 mos. I had lung, kidney, and heart failure, so I’m thinking they my liver counts weren’t a top priority 😏
I am glad you are doing well xoxo. Actually his is for my mother who passed away from lack of care in a hospital. Her albumin went to 1.5 they did nothing, then it was at 0.3 they started days later albumin her vessels were leaking fluid and they just did nothing for her no ICU no nothing. So I am trying to figure out what the hell happened so when I meet with these monsters I have as much information as possible.
Arlie, protein is great but how much? This a question for.
Meat and fruit protein is the best.
I would question how much you are allowed then find out how much protein is in that liter bag.
When you have a chance read info below.
Evidence Based
Is Too Much Protein Bad for Your Health?
Written by Kris Gunnars, BSc on April 27, 2018
The supposed dangers of protein are a popular subject.
This article takes a look at whether there is any evidence to support these claims.
Proteins are the building blocks of life and every living cell uses them for both structural and functional purposes.
They are long chains of amino acids linked together like beads on a string, then folded into complex shapes.
There are 9 essential amino acids that you must get through your diet, and 12 that are non-essential, which your body can produce from other organic molecules.
The quality of a protein source depends on its amino acid profile. The best dietary sources of protein contain all essential amino acids in ratios appropriate for humans.
In this regard, animal proteins are better than plant proteins. Given that the muscle tissues of animals are very similar to those of humans, this makes perfect sense.
The basic recommendations for protein intake are:
0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight (0.8 grams per kg) daily. This translates to 56 grams of protein for a 154-pound (70-kg) individual (1Trusted Source).
This meager intake may be enough to prevent downright protein deficiency. Yet, many scientists believe it’s not sufficient to optimize health and body composition.
People who are physically active or lift weights need a lot more than that. Evidence also shows that older individuals may benefit from a higher protein intake
Thank you. This is for my mother who passed away from lack of care in a hospital. Her albumin went to 1.5 they did nothing, then it was at 0.3 they started days later albumin her vessels were leaking fluid and they just did nothing for her no ICU no nothing. So I am trying to figure out what the hell happened so when I meet with these monsters I have as much information as possible.
Hi there
Very sorry about your mum, reading from some of her older posts her bilirubin had been going up and albumin going down even me as a non medical professional knows that it is the pbc getting worst. I find it incredible that she was left to even get so ill. I hope you get some answers because it is unbelievable. Take care xx
Morning...It is always a shock to me when I hear that hospitals do nothing. That changed for me with my own mom over 4 years ago. She was rolling along fine, totally independent at 87, but seemed to be getting thinner. After a bad fall, with many tests done, they found, among other issues, that her albumin levels were too low. They told me that in the elderly, when this occurs, that no amount of nutrition will bring them up to a level needed to maintain life. Turns out she had a history of very high liver enzymes (probably PBC) and never dealt with it or told anyone.
For over 6 weeks I fed her very calories, protein dense soups and shakes to try to keep what little weight she had left on her tiny frame. That was right before the hospitalization that revealed the low albumin and other issues. Sometimes there are no answers or solutions. Sometimes the only course of action is to allow someone the dignity to pass easily without medical intervention. I am so sorry for your loss and hope you are able to heal. I miss my mom everyday, as I am sure you do yours. Find comfort in the fact that she didn't have to undergo more tests or be subjected to prolonged procedures. Be well