Hello there,
I've been searching for answers on this for a while now, but don't seem to be getting straightforward answers!
I was diagnosed with PBC in October and have been on urso for about 10 weeks now. In the last 10 weeks, I seem to have gained a lot of weight quite quickly. I'm almost 14lbs heavier than I was before starting urso, and this is starting to worry me - I can't keep gaining at this rate!
My diet and lifestyle hasn't changed, I'm doing everything the same as before I started urso. I mentioned this to my GP last week who said weight gain is not noted as a side effect of urso, so I'm confused! I'm now looking at blood tests for answers for the weight gain, such as thyroid tests.
However, I do feel urso is the culprit. But can it really cause one to gain so much weight in such a short space of time?
If anyone has experienced this, any tips for getting the weight off (ideally as quickly as it piled on!) would be appreciated.
Hope you all had a good Christmas by the way! x