I am a mother 46 year old have acute aih and pbc. What is the life span for this diease? Also I need a support group in Los Angeles .
I have pbc and aih : I am a mother 46 year... - PBC Foundation
I have pbc and aih

With appropriate treatment pbc patients can have a long life span. Hopefully you'll find other patients close by. I'm in Geelong, Australia
With PBC, a long lifespan is expected. Take Urso, if prescribed. Lead an active life and eat right. Stay positive. You'll live till old age.
I'm in WA state. Best of luck with finding the support group in LA.
Do read the pinned post on the right of this page title , PBC and life expectancy, written a month ago by Robert. I would also join the PBC Foundation their link is at the top of the page this is one place you will find upto date information on PBC. There are other organisations one is in the US, i beleive, but the name escapes me so hopefully someone will come in and be able to point you in that direction, you may find a group near you through them.
PBCers.org is the American organisation which is based in Texas I believe.
With PBC and AIH it’s a bit more complicated as they will want to treat both diseases. Nonetheless the prognosis is usually good. I am in Scotland and have the overlap of both conditions too. Treatment is controlling the disease.
I think if you have a good response to your meds/treatment & condition was caught in early stages, you can expect a normal life expectancy.