Gallbladder removal: I’ve been sick for two... - PBC Foundation

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Gallbladder removal

Trish1220 profile image
11 Replies

I’ve been sick for two months. Started out gettin dizzy and nauseous. Lost appetite and couldn’t eat for weeks. Had to force myself to eat a little bit was difficult. Lost almost 30 pounds. Was in and out of the er with no answers. Back pain and acid reflux galore. Then they found gallstones and did the surgery to remove my gallbladder. All my symptoms remain the same. I’m 10 days post op and have zero appetite. Very weak. Feel nauseous a lot and have to force myself to eat. I have since then developed a lot of anxiety not being able to eat or feel well. My liver enzymes are also elevated after surgery. My doctor has no answers as why. I am also constipated and or have no desire to have a bowel movement. This no appetite or appeal to eat is scary as well as the elevated liver enzymes. Anyone else have these issues. I’m really trying to get better but it’s so draining having to force feed yourself just to stay nourished it’s depressing. Need some guidance here. I know I’m not alone here but this is just so scary not to get any answers and to be feeling this bad everyday. I’m not able to function for my family at all.

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11 Replies
butterflyEi profile image

Hi Trish1220

It is so horrid that you are feeling so nauseous, there are nourishing energy drinks that you can find at the local pharmacy, not sure what country you are in but as you talk in weight loss of 30 pounds I am going to guess USA. I do not know any brand names in the US however I am sure you can find something via the WEB if you decide to go that route or maybe your doctor can recommend something.

I know that stewed apples no sugar cooled and added to yoghurt is very soothing for the tummy or so I have found for myself. The stewed apples may also help with the constipation. Obviously all high fiber foods will help but when you don't feel like eating it is not easy to eat that sort of food so I wonder if Lactulose is available to you as this is a mild stool softening liquid it may be helpful.

When in your situation you may find grazing through the day is a better option than sitting to a meal.

This link although cancer related is written by a well respected hospital in the UK and may give you some ideas especially the peppermint tea which again I find most pleasant.

You will need to give yourself time to recover from your surgery which I assume from your post is within the last two months. I believe that post surgery blood results may be skewed but will settle down after convalescence.

I hope someone comes along soon who can give more information to you.

Evaibrahim60 profile image

Hi Trish. Since you were in and out of er, I assume that you have run lots of test but anyway, I’ll ask if at any stage pancreatitis was considered! I had this with the symptoms you are describing here and that was fixed by 48 hours no food nor drink,having saline water through a drip. Thank God it wasn’t repeated. I pray you get well soon but nag the doctors and don’t stuff in silence.

Trish1220 profile image
Trish1220 in reply to Evaibrahim60

No one ever checked my pancreas at all. I did receive Iv fluids several times before and after surgery. Nothing is helping me at all. I still have zero appetite and it’s causing me major anxiety attacks in which is making me so debilitated. Just wish I could get help feeling better. Er doctors don’t do much and family doctor isn’t a help. Not sure if I should just go to a GI doc now? This is all so frustrating.

GrittyReads profile image


Do you already have PBC? If not, have they tested for it? The main diagnostic features involve the continued elevation of a few certain specific liver function enzymes - but it depends which of yours are high. Also, they should do a separate blood test to check for the presence of AMAs - M2 ... which are a specific type of autoimmune antibody, called antimitochindrial antibodies (sub-type M2) that are typical of PBC.

You would need both these tests to be positive for a likelihood of a PBC diagnosis.

However, I don't think that what you describe is that typical of the early symptoms of PBC, and I can only echo what others have said and try to keep asking for more checks and tests - eg the check for pancreatitis might be a good idea. Meanwhile keep seeking (demanding?) help to alleviate symptoms.

I hope someone comes on the site who can help more, and that the situation eases for you, soon.

Shulsey profile image

Hello, I had my gallbladder removed when I was very young, at just 19 yrs old. I too was having the same symptoms with the back pain. I would describe it as having a vice grip on my midsection with someone making it tighter & tighter, serious pain that shoots all the way through. I couldn't eat at all & if I did manage to get something in my belly I would only puke it back up. After the gallbladder removal I can remember that it took quit a long time to get my digestive system to work correctly. I had become lactose intolerant & my bowels were not right at all. My niece also went through the same surgery, with the same outcome. I am no longer lactose intolerant. So, it is not uncommon for you to have such issues. You are only 10 days past surgery right?? Unfortunately it will take awhile for your system to get to normal. Plus having your immune system all amuck isn't going to make it any easier. I feel that I've had PBC since my twenties at least. But just not sure if I had it during these issues. Praying for a great recovery!!!

Stay Strong❣️


Trish1220 profile image
Trish1220 in reply to Shulsey

Thank you for positive thoughts! Not having an appetite and not being able to eat well is really messing with my anxiety. I feel like I cannot function. It’s debilitating. Having panic attacks all night while I try to sleep then when I wake up I am so tired. My body shakes, I can’t eat. It’s just a mess. How long did it take for you to regain your appetite where at least you didn’t have to force yourself to eat?

Shulsey profile image
Shulsey in reply to Trish1220

I know it took a long while but it was such a long time ago that I do not remember the exact length of time. Im sry you're going through this. I do remember that I was not able to handle digesting roughage. That's like lettuce & stuff that's heavy on your belly. Try to keep it simple & small. Better to eat a small amount of whatever to see how you do. Try small meals or snacks throughout the day. I know you said you have zero appetite but you must try. Also, try to remain as positive as you can, believe me, we all understand how difficult that is. But the stress is not good at all. Prayers for good vibes coming your way

JaneIng profile image

Tish, I know exactly how you feel. I went thru it in 2013. ER visits, gallbladder removal followed by gastritis, IBS, nausea, hypothiroid, insomnia, fibromyalgia, etc. I lost 20 lbs.

4.5 years later I got 11 lbs back and am about 80% recovered. I have visited many functional doctors in addition to the conventional doctors. This is what helped me: high dose probiotics (I use VSL #3 and Florastor). L-Glutamin, digestive enzyme, liposomal vitamin C, Magnecium Citrate, Methylated B complex, Omega 3,6,9, Vitamin D3+K2, selenium, Zinc, calcium.

Had I known what I know now, I would take IV vitamin cocktail infusion when I could not eat. Our body needs nutrients to recover. But this is expensive and you need to be tested by a experienced functional doctor(conventional doctor don't do this). BTW, make sure to check your G6PD level before taking IV C.

Wishing you a fast healing.


Trish1220 profile image
Trish1220 in reply to JaneIng

Thanks for some info. This is just so rough. Not being able to eat and having no appetite is making my anxiety go through the roof. Not sure where to turn. Ow. I just want to be back to normal. I’m missing out on my kids, family etc. it’s emotionally draining. Force feedinbmyself is the hardest thing to do. Where do I go for a vitamin cocktail infusion? A GI specialist? What all is involved?

JaneIng profile image
JaneIng in reply to Trish1220

where do you live? All my doctors were referred by friends. I went to many, some are good some aren't. Now I am settled down with 2 functional doctors. One is good with nutrition and hormone, the other treat me with neuro muscular pain and insomnia. You might want to google functional doctors in your area or just ask around. Don't be shy about asking their experience in functional medicine and the charge for office visit and the lab work. Price of the lab test can vary quite a bit from doctor to doctor. I normally would ask their treatment protocol and if IV nutrition is an option.

When feeling nausea, I drink chicken broth and ginger tea. If you have gastritis, then my doctor had me take Sulcralfate and Ranitadine. Sulcralfate cause me constipation so I take Magnesium Citrate to help. I always take probiotics, no matter what.

Good luck and god bless.

Trish1220 profile image
Trish1220 in reply to JaneIng

Thanks! I am in the USA. The state of Pennsylvania. So far, doctors are not good. They dismiss me like I’m crazy. They don’t help. I’m trying my best to keep going to different doctors but it’s difficult.

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