I was diagnosed with PBC in 2015. I am taking 2 Ursodiol 250 mg twice each day. I was diagnosed by liver biopsy. I see a gastroenterologist once a year and they act like it’s no big deal. I am currently trying to get an an appointment with a liver specialist. I eat healthy and take my meds.
Grannacat-pbc-ursodoil-liver disease - PBC Foundation
Grannacat-pbc-ursodoil-liver disease

Are you in the USA, and close enough to the Mayo Clinic
I am in Alabama. I did find out that my Son In Law actually works with the only hematologist in my area. He said he can get me in to see him. Fingers crossed 🤞
My doctor does not seemed worried at all with my results also but I have monthly labs still..... was diagnosed last year
Hope you get in to see the hepatologist. Keeping u in my prayers.
Thank you
My GI acts like it's no big deal, too. He just says to be sure I take 2 urso 300 mg twice a day and says to follow up with PCP for blood work & get ultrasound every 6 months. She says any liver issues he should be handling. I feel he doesn't want to
It’s been a year since I have had an ultrasound. I don’t think my primary care doctor knows very much about PBC. I feel frustrated trying to get the right care.
Not sure about the States but in the UK we have a problem with so many people seeing consultants . My last appointment was cancelled twice so I went to my excellent GP and she ordered an ultrasound and bloods....shes done the bloods regularly..glad she did as they caught the start of ascites (water retention) ...this comes with cirhossis though which I now have and is not so good.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Gotta upgrade in the MD dept...my Gastro guy has me with 2 ultrasound a year...kid, Liv, and spleen and a blood work up with it.
One thing I haven't heard anyone here mention in the month I have been on this site is...the portal vein system which includes the veins in your esophagus. They are basically vericous veins that get enlarged and rupture. I have to have a scope once a year to band the veins where they bubble up.
You have to do that or medication for the pressure. Quite a bit of maintainence that a GP isn't going to handle.
Hi. I was diagnosed in December 2016. By the time i was able to get my furst liver biopsy it already showed that i had cirrhosis and therefore i am not a candidate to take ANY pbc meds. Consider yourself fortunate. Continue to take your meds and eat healthy. I need to add that you rwfrain from eating animal fat and absolutely no beef or dairy products which are total animal fat. This is what aggravates the condition because it is difficult for the liver to process it. Stay away from salt and foods processed with salt. At this time i have 2 tumors in my liver and I a have to take lasix to help eliminatw fluuds from my body because my liver is no longer doing that job, which is why at some point people develop ascites (retention of fluid in the abdomen). Stay on a diet as natural and healthy as possible with least amount of processed foods. I wish for the best for you. Stay positive and avoid stress. Don't stop going to the doctors and take care.
Thanks I didn’t know about beef and dairy.
Im on urso 3xday. I don't know why...also take ocalvia. My alk phos was not that high,but the specialist still put me on it. Today is my second day of being gluten free. I will stick to this to see if i feel better . If not,Monday i will go see the dr. Dont really know why im so bloated but by Sticking to this diet hopefully this week my stomach will go down and stop hurting.
I have an appointment today with my gastroenterologist to get my pancreas checked again. I am having a lot of pain and bloating in my stomach especially my left side. I have noticed that many people with PBC have pancreas issues as well as diabetes.
I'm not sure why some drs are like that, maybe because they see people like us or worse every day. I get worried, but nothing we cando beside take care of ourselves. Welcome...