Nail polish and hair dye: Does anyone know if... - PBC Foundation

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Nail polish and hair dye

Mirimaur profile image
57 Replies

Does anyone know if nail polish etc or hair dye is ok to use with PBC sorry if it's a daft question

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Mirimaur profile image
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57 Replies
gwillistexas profile image

G'morning. Hair color we had a small discussion on a couple weeks ago. Think that one is still in the air as far as definite yes or no. I'm hesitant myself. Nail polish I'm not sure. I don't polish because my hands are in so much water it wears off. Not much of an answer, huh? Lol!😊

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

Hello Gwillis , how are you today? Thank you for getting back to me . I have been a nail technician for many years , I only do a few friends now . Lots of toxic products in the past , not so bad now as I only do gel varnish . I have found a hairdresser who has a wella product that is gentle. I will ask Professor when we speak tomorrow that is if I will be in any fit state . Feeling nervous!

Miriam x

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

So far so good, thank you. And you? Yes I have been told Wella is gentle & might be ok ( but not by a dr). You seem to have a great dr & you will probably get better care than some of us in the States. We have a lot of great drs but as always, some better than others. I wish you the best tomorrow & you are going to be ok😊. I'll be working tomorrow so I won't be on here till tomorrow evening, but I will be watching for your post💐

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

Dear Gwillis thank you so much for your kindness . Yes we have very good liver centres here, Kings college and Royal free . My dear professor has been working with another to try and make artificial livers in the lab. I have probably not explained it correctly you will find it on his website. He does travel to many countries lecturing.I am very blessed to have him look after me.I will let you know what happens tomorrow. Oy!!!Miriam x

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

Yes, pls do. Prayers for you🙏🏻🌞🍁

ameliaharry654 profile image
ameliaharry654 in reply to gwillistexas

well said

IAmTheGlue profile image

I'm new, been dealing with this for 3 weeks. My dr said to "hold off" on hair dye while she was sorting my diagnosis out. And I was quite depressed about it, honestly. Several people on here said it was not an issue, some said it's putting a chemical straight on your head... meh.

Anyway, I looked for the most natural hair dye I could find, and went with it. My hair is falling out due to the URSO and I just couldn't deal with my rapidly thinning hair, the grey regrowth and walking around neon yellow, so I used the most natural one I could find. I'll probably continue to do so, less chemicals and less often than what I would normally do.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to IAmTheGlue

Someone told me Henna makes a gentle color. Haven't tried it yet.

in reply to IAmTheGlue

oh flip whats this about i have never heard about this i colour my hair every 2mths what does it do

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to

Dear Patti and I am going now to get my roots done . The salon uses Wella innocence . I have psoriasis in my scalp so it helps me . I will check with my specialist when he contacts me , still waiting !!

in reply to Mirimaur

i have always done my hair if chemicals are bad for us more so coz of liver probsi may as wel lgive up now i spent 20yr as school cleaning literally bathing in chems daily lol and tberest of my life living in pubs and bars hope u grt your appt soon

SuziRae profile image
SuziRae in reply to

I do too. Ugly and old is not an alternative for me! Avoid as many of the bad things as you can.

SuziRae profile image
SuziRae in reply to IAmTheGlue

Some good reading here. Love the posts. Basically anything with toxins is bad for everyone and especially for us. That includes toothpaste and drinking water with nasty toxic fluoride.

Here is some reading for hair dyes.

I was going to hairdresser because of their vegetable based hair dyes they swore were healthy. I stopped 2 years ago and went back to Fiera (amonia free) and I'm fine. I cut out toxins from food as well. Eat organic. It's about clean living without denying ourselves every little pleasure so hair die and the odd Coors Light is what keeps me going.

I stopped painting finger nails but do my toes in summer then remove in fall. I am spooked about covering nails so they cannot breath. That could be totally nutty on my part. lol

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to SuziRae

Dear Susi Rae , the nails do not actually breathe , they are dead protein called keratin . I do agree with the issue of nail polish . I did ask my professor at the Royal Free London, his response was not to wear it., however I have come up with a compromise Lilly lo lo and Butter Lnd both make nail polishes without eight of the most harmful ingredients. So I am wearing these now. My hair dresser uses wella sensitive also without the ammonia . I am a trained nail tech and have worn gels etc for many years .!!! I will check on the safety of gel varnishes . Hope this helps xx

SuziRae profile image
SuziRae in reply to Mirimaur

Hi. Thanks. Your info helps very much! Thanks. I look forward to your future posts

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to SuziRae

Dear SuziRae

You are so welcome , I will pass on any information I get . We also have products that are not safe in the uk . Deodorant is another .

Take care Suzi Rae , Be well

Miriam xx

SuziRae profile image
SuziRae in reply to Mirimaur

I live in Canada. Very powerful lobbies keep the government from banning some seriously bad shyte. I know that across the pond, your rules are much more stringent. Companies should not be allowed to poison us. Is that too much to ask?

gwillistexas profile image

Mirimaur...good question for your dr😊

Mirimaur profile image

I will add it to my list of questions . I emailed him about the flu jab he said it's fine . I have his email and bless him he always responds wherever he is o think he will call me tomorrow with the final results of my bloods. I'm so nervous I can't sleep plus I have a prickly itch all of a sudden all over .its horrible


gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

Bless your heart ❤️ you try & sleep tonight. Tomorrow is a brand new day & it is going to be a good one. Think that prickly itch may be nerves?😉

Ohio82 profile image

Hair dyes are basically a no no because of the chemicals. There are some that do not have the chemicals but you really have to research to find them Please note highlights are ok as those do not touch your scalp

Nail polishes also have to be the ones without all the chemicals. Some brands are without the chemicals - they can be researched on the web.

Also have to be careful with lotion, shampoo & conditioners, makeup etc. so many chemicals in everything. Makes it that much harder on our livers.

bobbycat profile image

Hi, I Was told nail varnish was not so good but LIke everything in moderation it is OK sometimes. I did stop colouring my hair and am now quite grey which is OK I think! I was bleaching it for years so I can see that was not good in retrospect but no one said not to then, Re make up. I still wear it and use a good face cream. I did go down the avenue of more organic make up etc but came out in a rash and my skin was very dry . As my LFTs are nearly normal now its OK to carry on with thr make up.I am at cirhossis stage now after having had PBC for 24 years but stable.

What I do do is not to clean with bleach unless I wear gloves and don't spray with any cleaner. Also very careful in kitchen and everything clean as I was told to be wary of any germs etc, had flu jab and am fine each time.

Good luck

Ktltel profile image
Ktltel in reply to bobbycat

Hi bobbycat,

I have a question. You said you are at cirrhosis stage now after 24 years with PBC. I'm sorry to hear that, but happy that you're stable. My question is, how can it be that your LFT's are in nearly normal range and you're in cirrhosis? I thought that our rising LFT's were a gauge to determine if our PBC was progressing. I guess I was under the impression that someone in, or near cirrhosis stage would have been aware of their PBC progressing as their labs/LFT's would have been going up and further from normal than nearer to normal. I'm confused.



bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Ktltel


My LFT went up slowly for years and I was told way back in 1993 there was no medicinesThree years ago I had a problem with stomach and they thought that affected LFT but when I saw my main consultant he ordered a fibroscan and that confirmed I had cirrhosis...stage 1 ..In the past I couldn't take Urso but now I do OK because it is a savior at present and now my LFT is good but my liver is scarred I had a varise bleed last year which confirmed it!! I think there is no no definite route for PBC seems to affect people in different ways.

I hope you are OK

Ktltel profile image
Ktltel in reply to bobbycat


Thank you. I am OK. I was diagnosed early stage PBC last year at this time. But, I have lab draws (blood tests) every 3 weeks since that diagnosis. They are watching my LFT's for any elevation.

I have a fibroscan scheduled in December. I'm confused because it sounds like one can actually be in early cirrhosis and only have slightly elevated LFT's.

I was under the impression that near to normal LFT's meant one was in early stage PBC...and far from stage 1 cirrhosis. Apparently this isn't the case. I've put a call into my hepatologist nurse for some answers.

My biopsy this past February only showed mild fatty liver and my only LFT's elavated are my alk-phos (152) as well as my AMA-M2 which was 48 at last check 4 months ago.

I do have low grade fever/flushes, muscle aches, slight fatigue and dry eyes. I also have been diagnosed with seronegative RA and dequervain's tendonitis. But my meds (Sulfasalazine) is really helping with the RA.



bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Ktltel

Hello Stella

From what the doctors told me elevated LFTs can be reduced dramatically by Urso. The damage to the liver does not necessarily show raised LFTs , they are slightly raised for me but nothing like they were before. If you are early on with PBC then I suspect your liver count is just indicative of PBC and will go down with medication. I wouldnt worry, just have the fibroscan and you will find out. For interest I have had muscle pain since first diagnosed but hardly any itching and only more tiredness now but I am 67 and a busy person so thats perhaps why.

I do hope all goes well and if possible keep me informed,

Ktltel profile image
Ktltel in reply to bobbycat



Just got this from my hepatologist.

Mrs. Edwards:

You are correct that your liver tests are not the only measure of advancing liver disease. In your case you have a biopsy which is the gold standard. A Fibroscan can also help.

You do not have cirrhosis based on the biopsy. You have no advanced scar tissue. More importantly PBC is a disease that does not progress rapidly.

We use the blood tests to help us look at the complete picture. The blood tests DO tell us how well the liver is working.

Blood tests tell us how well the liver is functioning, the biopsy and the Fibroscan help us measure amount of damage.

Dr. Jody Olsen

bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Ktltel

Good..thanks for sending

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to Ktltel

Thank G d it does not progress rapidly . My lft s are raised moderately but my gamma is 210 , bilirubin etc normal .

My fir brother scAn has shown moderate fibrosis . Not had biopsy yet . Seven months ago all my auto immune tests were negative . My professor said they can change. He is suspecting PBC just awaiting final blood test results. Let's operator progresses slowly I am 63 in November . I do get scared I must admit . Best wishes to all

Miriam x

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to Mirimaur

So sorry fir brother should translateto fibro scan predicted text x

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

You will be ok😊

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

Dear Gwillis , my prof made a mistake . He missed the positive abs M2 mitochondrial result . I saw it when his sec sent my results . So happy to sad again dear Gwillis. I am so shaken up and disappointed x

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

It's ok to be upset & tearful. Seems we are all on a roller coaster. Needs to level out somehow, someway. Just remember, you are never alone sweetie😥

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

Thank you dear Gwillis . I am a little calmer now I still get scared I have my biopsy very soon Yo see what level I am at , so grateful for your kindness. How are you getting on ?

Miriam x

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

Hi there! I’m doing ok. Will see what Monday brings as far as, well, everything, lol! Think I’ll be looking for new dr to manage PBC. You are going to do just fine. Your dr will see to that 💖

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

Dear Gwillis I wish you well for Monday . I hope all goes well for you. Yes we need to feel confident in our dr's . I was a bit wobbly after my false neg ama m2 result but after he called me I felt better. He was involved in the development of the drugs for the disease .i like his kindness. I din notice on my results for fibro scan that the highest was 8 not 12 and middle was 6.5 not sure what it means exactly . Will know more after biopsy.

What scares me Gwillis is the profound fatigue and memory loss that I have read about. Does everyoneget it severely .wishing you good results Miriam xx❤

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

I have fatigue also, mostly early afternoon. I call it brain fog too. Feels like your body has been tranquilized? I hate that.

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

It's what I dread do much . Do you have to have a sleep ? If so does it help . Are you able to carry on does it pass . Sorry to ask so many questions. It seems everyonehas this terrible side effect. I am dreadingit xx

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

I work 8-5, so nap is out of the question. But girl, how I dream of curling up & snoozing about an hour. Sometimes it finally passes, sometimes not. I don’t like that feeling. Have never been one to want to nap but seems that has changed☹️😊

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

Remind me again, when is your biopsy?

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

Oh Gwillis that must be so hard for you . Were you always tired with this or did it come on later? You are amazing that you stay awake. I'm not so tired yet I guess I have that to look forward to. I also hate to feel that way .

I am waiting for someone to call me from the hospital to mAke the app. I think they will be callIng tomorrow. I hat to get authorisation from Bupa insurance . It's one thirty on the morning here. I guess my late nights of texting will end at some point . I best make the most of what energy I have 😖Miriam x

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

Oh my, it’s 7:50 pm here. Yes it’s a little hard and funny thing is, I’m early stage fibrosis. But I also have to watch thyroid levels. It could be low which can cause sluggishness. It was low in July so he raised my thyroid dosage. Thyroid is a battle within itself. Lady you probably need to get some rest. Let me/us hear what you find out. G’night 😴

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to gwillistexas

Yes could well be thyroid . Yes I best sleep now. Goodnig Gwillis G d bless you xx

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

Thank you! God be with you🙏🏻

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Mirimaur

Mirimaur, no idea what time it is there. Been thinking of you & wondering how things are. If you’re sleeping, let me hear tomorrow. 💖 hope all is well.

bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Mirimaur

It took me over 20 years Mirimuir with PBC before stage 4 which is cirrhosis so please don't worry too much although it's hard of course and I think about it quite a lot now but only since this last stage of PBC.

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to bobbycat

Did you take the urso Bobby cat. I pray you will be ok

Love Miriam x

bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Mirimaur

Hi, No there was no Urso around when I was diagnosed! Now luckily there is.

MaireO profile image
MaireO in reply to bobbycat

Hi Bobbycat, interested to know if you were told your score on the fibroscan?

Mirimaur profile image

Thank you , I work as a nail technician !!! I have been wearing the gel nails . I know opi have a range of nail polishes that are formaldehyde free. I will stop using bleach although alwAys use rubber gloves although it can still be breathed in. What do you use for cleaning

Best wishes Miri

bobbycat profile image
bobbycat in reply to Mirimaur

I do use bleach but also vinegar..bleach fumes should be OK in moderation I think but best friends to ask. The info on nails is interesting ..thanks

Jlruggie profile image

I use both and wonder myself. I'm betting they would be excluded from a purification lifestyle and diet.

: (

Mirimaur profile image
Mirimaur in reply to Jlruggie

Being in the industry and a nail tech I have found a company called lily lo lo who specialise in nail and skin products . Their nail polish has none of the eight harmful ingredients they are based in the uk they are online. I have just ordered a nail polish .

Other companies are Orly

teddybear7 profile image

I've coloured my hair or should I say always at a hairdresser never from a box off the shelf since I was 17, every 4 weeks I'm not stopping now. I'm 56. What will be will be. I use gel polish once a year for my hols. But do put a strengthener on on the odd occasion if they're being a bit naughty. X

Mirimaur profile image

DeAr Teddy Bear I wear a gel most of the time . It's my profession so I have always used these products . I am going to try the varnishes from lily lo lo as they are very pure without all the harmful ingredients . I will have to continue with my hair unless is all falls out with treatment as others have said x

gwillistexas profile image

That's great the autoimmune are negative. Rest your mind & your heart & follow your wonderful dr. God will take care of the rest😊

Mirimaur profile image

Dear Gwillis , thank you so much for your kind words, I guess it's a good sign please G d. Just need to find out what is making my liver unwell ,

You have been such a dear friend . I will let you know what happens after my biopsy.

My prayers are with you I will mention you when I light my candles on Friday night if that's ok .

Love Miri x

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