Hi all does anyone suffer with hair loss I seem to be losing a bit more than usual was wondering if it's side affect of PBC meds
Hair loss : Hi all does anyone suffer with... - PBC Foundation
Hair loss

Hi 1959L....since starting the meds for AIH PBC, I have noticed that I don't need to shave my legs quite so much, and I have no under arm hair, which doesn't bother me at all lol.
I am losing hair, mostly around the hair line. The hair on my legs has thinned and that on my arms has disappeared completely - as have my eyebrows. Most of this can be attributed to my under active thyroid, and my age (71). Am currently trying caffeine shampoo to see if I can persuade more hair to stay on my head!
Hi. My son was trying caffeine shampoo a few years ago. He wasn't too sure if it made much difference. He was speaking to a shop assistant in boots chemist who told him it doesn't work and can cause headaches. It's probably worth a try though. With all the claims made about it you'd think it would have to work some of the time. Best wishes.
Thank you for your reply coralsun I might give it a try
I've thought about trying it too. My hair has got thinner over the years. I can feel the rain splashing on my scalp nowadays. Lol
Yes but there’s some confusion as to why, another genetic condition is the likely cause for my thinning, but possibly made worse by medicine side effects. But my scalp can be seen nowadays and I don’t have any body hair left except half my eyebrows.
I noticed as soon as I had started azathrioprine n pred my hair was falling out , I have AIH n underactive thyroid I used to have very thick hair. And it's now very fine lots coming out on comb. -also at top of my hair where parting is you can see my scalp, my hair is frizzy frazzled awful. I do get upset about my hair , it does t feel like hair anymore. I've tried every shampoo under the sun nothing works. I no longer have armpit hair . I've never had much hair on arms or legs so I don't notice difference. But I do notice my eyebrows at ends aren't as thick. They like taper off, I'm 61
My thin fine hair is now thinner and finer. I have trouble covering the balding areas but I have a great comb over! My paternal grandmother had fine thin hair so I think it is in the family but for me exacerbated by the medications. I use a biotin shampoo and conditioner, after approval from the specialist I also take a multi vitamin tablet and a vitamin D+K spray. Also since my pernicious anaemia diagnosis I have regular B12 injections and have found that some of the peripheral neuropathy I have has diminished. As a body gets older and with this PBC it is not always easy for us to retain a balance in our bodies so some supplements are needed for some of us, with doctor approval, however one hair product I looked at (but cannot remember what it was called) had instructions that stated the persons over the age of 65 or with liver conditions should not use the product as both applied to me I did not buy it.
Was it Regaine / rogain, it does work and I can use it as i asked but if you stop your hair falls out again. My hair falls out when my thyroid goes wonky, which it does very often.
That's interesting about the hair product that should not be used with liver complaint. In past few days I read a study on supplements that said Biotin (vitamin B7) is a supplement that should only be taken on medical advice. The study showed that lab rats supplemented with biotin, while their LFT's remained normal,
their morphological liver tests showed changes and narrowing of bile ducts.
I admire that you nearly always reference your own findings butterflyEi, and I regret I don't know how I came across this. I doubt that there's much biotin in hair products though? I tried something from Weleda recently but don't think it made any difference except less pocket money! I've been wearing hats and hoods lately because it has been too cold not too. This seems to make even more fall.
Hi 1959L,
A year after my diagnosis i noticed i was losing a lot more hair than usual,it felt like handfuls when i was washing it. I have had the same hairdresser for 17 years now and she noticed the difference as my hair thinned. I was there a month ago and she remarked at how thick my hair has become again. Whither it was my body getting use to the meds or coinsciedence i am just thankful that it has settled.
Yes, get a handful every time I wash it and some when I brush it. Hep dr says autoimmune diseases cause hair loss
Hello again. My late sister had an overactive thyroid for a couple of years before she passed. I know she found the symptoms overwhelming at times, including hair loss. She did have treatment for it although I can't recall what that was now.
I have auto immune disease in Crohns and psoriasis. I'd never considered that in relation to hair loss. More the menopause and age. I wasn't aware of being cautious of the use of products externally because of my liver disease. This is really an eye opener for me. We live and learn.
Urso will cause hair loss
A side effect from Urso is hair loss. My hair comes out by the handful every time I wash it. Urso works well for me in keeping liver tests now at a normal level.
Hi 1959L
I unfortunately have also notice hairloss, infact I have not let a hairdresser near it for almost a year because it falls out from washing / combing. In saying that, it is regrowing at the front and there are sprouts about an inch or so long, so that is good.
For me I know its the Urso, its listed as a side effect on the patient leaflet.
Recently I found a shampoo and conditioner that make my hair look really full, Please try it. It's available in healthfood stores (in Ireland), its called "Jason Biotin"
I use both the Shampoo and conditioner. here is a link so you will know what to look for.
If you try it, let me know how you get on
best of luck