Denied Disability: Yes, in only four months... - PBC Foundation

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Denied Disability

Shulsey profile image
β€’16 Replies

Yes, in only four months it was decided that I cannot get disability. So, I went to get a attorney & while I was going over paperwork with her it was realized that they never requested anything from IU Medical which is where I see my heptologist. Im not too happy with that. Why in the world would they not request my medical records from my main doctor for the treatment & control of the disease that has caused all of my issues. It makes absolutely ZERO sense. Im now with a law firm who specializes in disability claims. Not only did they not request the most important medical information, it only took four months for this ridiculous decision. It has taken longer than that for me to grasp what is actually happening to my body!!! Then, they sent my fiancee a questioner that he didn't even get in the mail yet. I received those denial letters just days after my psych evaluation for them. How can they make a decision when they never had all of the information needed. RIDICULOUS!!!!😑😑😑

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Shulsey profile image
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16 Replies
Sachin1234 profile image


Pbcgirl28 profile image

I have been denied for disability 3 times now and am now in the process of waiting for a court date to present my case to a judge. My lawyer has explained that this isn't uncommon. When I got my latest denial letter, it was the exact same as the others and NO mention of the liver disease, autoimmune, nothing. My lawyer said its not uncommon for them to not look at the most recent records and just automatically be denied. So now I've been waiting 2 1/2 years to try and get on disability.

Hang in there hun, eventually it will happen if you keep pressing the issue. A word of advice, make sure you tell your lawyer EVERY time you have any kind of appointment so they can get those records sent over.


Ktltel profile image

That's insane. I heard it was standard procedure to be denied the first couple times too. Crazy!! Hang in there and stay on top of things and them. Make calls and double check that the most current information is in their hands.

How are you feeling? Stress just exacerbates the problem so try to keep calm things will fall into place if you keep on top of them.

Thinking of you,

Stella ❀

Shulsey profile image

I applied twice in 2014, diagnosed in 2012 so it's not like this is all recent. My stress level is ridiculous, I know that's the worst thing for me right now, & my fiancee isn't helping the situation. Making me feel more of a burden then anything. The things he says sometimes are just hurtful. He couldn't handle what we deal with on a daily basis. No, I didn't choose to live off the govt. I didn't choose this for my life. He knew this was a possibility going into this relationship. Guess he didn't realize how serious I was when I tried to explain all of this. All of our bills are behind, Im about to lose my car.

I actual made a call to southwestern mental health for a appointment. They put me on hold, then said someone would have to call me back lol. It's a good thing Im not suicidal. When it rains it pours. I try to stay positive, but it's so hard sometimes when those you live with basically ignores how serious of a health condition you have to deal with. It's so unfair, Im tired of being this way. Unfortunately we haven't the choice.

Im hurt, mad, stressed, depressed, tired, & would love nothing more than just a small break. I've struggled through a lot of things in my life, Im just tired of always getting the short straw.

EileenUSA profile image
EileenUSA in reply to Shulsey

I am so sorry the system is making it so difficult. Bureaucracy is a nightmare and it would beat anyone down--even someone without the level of disease you deal with.. Outrageous that they don't even have the liver dr. reports but make ruling on your case. Mind numbing.

I am so glad you got the lawyer, it's unfortunate that you have to get to that point.. but it is good for you to have the advocate.

Does your fiancΓ©e live with you? How discouraging that he is not able to step up and be supportive. YOU are the person with a serious health situation. YOU are not a burden.

Maybe he is scared inside? Often men are "at a loss" when they can't " fix" something and so maybe he is just scared for you (and himself) Now- I am NOT excusing any if his behavior-- he needs to find a way to step up more and bring emotional support.

I'm glad you are seeking counseling for yourself. Disease like this can do a number on our head-- get whatever support you can girl- YOU are deserving.

Church friends? Counselor? Any family members that are supportive..

Vent here. We get it. We hear you. Hugs from Chicago.

Ktltel profile image
Ktltel in reply to Shulsey

Ditto to what EileenUSA says!!

And... It's hard enough dealing with and having two children you love and are trying so hard to give a normal childhood too, and being and feeling sick on top of that. That's so difficult. ❀

What is it with some men??? When the going get tough, the wimps get going? Like you need anymore stress... I mean C'mon!!

(Forget him for now.) Concentrate on you and what you can do for now. Pray. Pray with your girls too. It will draw you closer to each other and too God. Be specific in your prayers. And don't forget to ask all things you pray for "through" Jesus name. The Bible says no one comes to the Father except through me (Jesus). And please everyone who reads this... No static about religion or prayer OK? .... Some PBC friends are in crisis situations here. Something's ONLY God can help us with.

Really Shulsey, you are not alone.❀❀ Take a deep breath... one thing at a time. Take care of you first. It all gets overwhelming and so frustrating but to have someone close to you like your fiancee making matters worse? Try to put that behind you for now. Make sure your lawyer knows the car situation and everything else pushing on your last nerve too. Hopefully he/she can make things happen.

Please don't forget to pray. And please keep me posted.

(Proverbs 3:5-6 says) Trust in God with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight.



Prettyeyes79 profile image
Prettyeyes79 in reply to Shulsey

Sorry to hear about the denial. I applied for disability and was denied the first time and appeal it in April. Still got no answer yet, just got a letter stating they need a medical consent form from my dr. This is the third time I sign the consent form. I already have a lawyer to appeal if the 2nd time gets denied. Hang in there.. my dr fill out a disability form for me to get disability plates in tx because sometime I can't walk to far. Have you ask the dr for that yet?

Pamela4475 profile image

So sorry πŸ˜” The lawyers will get it done and so sorry u have to get them to do it πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Nanajo1962 profile image

They almost always turn people down the first time or two... you need it ... hang on a little while longer..... glad you switched attorneys...

Prettyeyes79 profile image

Sorry I mean handicapped plates.

Finger cross with a lawyer you get approve

cfsummerford72 profile image

So sorry keep fighting never give up!

ILik3Pizza profile image

It's so hard when people (especially those who are supposed to be in our corner!) don't take this disease seriously. I suppose it's because we look so good on the outside (lol!) that they can't see how this disease is eroding our innards! Every aspect of our physical health seems to be impacted. Whenever I get unusual aches/lab results I investigate and the probable cause is usually "liver issues." Sigh. Shulsey, I wonder if you can get some support from your church while you wait for the government to get it right? I served on the deacon board at our church and this is the type of situation that we usually "stepped up" for. Hang in there!

Shulsey profile image

Thank you everyone. The love & support we get from one another is amazing!!! I will keep praying & pushing. Yes, my fiancee is a stubborn man & I flat asked him, since this is something that he cannot "fix" if that's why he chooses to turn a blind eye?? I know he cares & loves me & my girls. When he does try to talk with me about how sick I am (it hasn't happened much at all) he goes into tears. This embarrasses him then he'll get frustrated & stops talking. Just a stubborn man.

Everyone's kind words & support on this site always lifts me up.

I woke to a new day & am very blessed for that alone. Thanks to all of you😊

Stay strong (i had a moment of weakness yesterday, it happens)❣️

Oh, almost forgot, I took my first Ocaliva 10mg this morning, fingers crossedπŸ€“πŸ€—

EileenUSA profile image
EileenUSA in reply to Shulsey

Hoping the 10mg dose gives you good results! As for you having "moment of weakness" - I think it's a healthy sign that you vented and that you reach out and express your frustrations.

You have a fantastic outlook and I admire your positivity in the face of it all. And... and... You don't always have to be Mary Sunshine- when you need a pity party- we can host!

Glad you feel better today!

Shulsey profile image
Shulsey in reply to EileenUSA

EileenUSA, you always put a smile on my face. As for Mary Sunshine, she left the building for a bit this afternoon 😳. That was short lived haha.

Michiganpbc profile image
Michiganpbc in reply to Shulsey

I was denied first go around I got a lawyer and things got better stay strong hang in there, hope you are feeling better.


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