Hello there,
I'm in need of advice please!
Was diagnosed about 2yrs ago here in the U.K. with PBC after blood tests and liver biopsy. Seeing a consultant yearly and having 3 monthly blood tests. Was advised no or very little alcohol, no anti-inflammatories, healthy diet and exercise which I'm following to the letter!
Have been seeing another consultant regarding severe dizziness and migraines (vestibular migraines)
It seems this consultant has written to my PBC consultant asking for advice about medication I can take due to the PBC. I don't take so much as a paracetamol right now!
The letter of reply from my PBC Consultant has started that I would be fine with Amitryptiline, Propanalol or Topiramate.
Surely these are very strong medications? Are they really safe to take with a liver already compromised by PBC? I already fight every day with the exhaustion, would I actually function on these drugs?!!
Please, please advise. I'm very confused! 😳