Just wanted to share this very interesting read with you all.
I'm currently taking a herbal tincture that my herbalist has made up and I do feel that it's helping with the symptoms of PBC. My herbal tincture includes:
Rose, skullcap, milk thistle, nettle leaf, schisandra, chamomile, dandelion root, lavender (I think the skullcap, chamomile and lavender are to help me 'switch off' before going to bed). I also take Passion flower tincture before bed to relax and help with the itching at night.
Thanks for sharing the interesting article.
Good article emmawat1! Whenever I ask my hepatologist about these sorts of things, he gets all worked up......No no no no! Do not take he tells me. ( He says no one really knows what's really in theses tinctures, drops, pills, etc, because they're not regulated ( in the US , don't know what happens elsewhere)
I guess a lot of doctors don't believe in these things to work. It's like when I asked my doc about diet. Didn't give many answers but a lot of doctors are not trained in the nutrition aspect. So that part I have taken into my own hands. You just have to do what feels good for you. I think anything food or natural remedy can't be harmful. Less harmful than the drugs people take on a regular basis. I like to believe in striking a balance. Take your meds but also find other ways to heal the root of the problem. that essentially is food. 😀
Thanks for the info ...