Has anyone else with pbc have these awful brown patches on face they are more noticeable around my eye area if so is there anything to get right of them cream etc x
Dark patches all over my face: Has anyone... - PBC Foundation
Dark patches all over my face

To be honest I have them but just thought they were related to aging and having grown up in a sunny climate. Look forward, like you, to seeing other replies and what to do for them.
Hello Kimmy1972.
The skin can looked more tanned with any liver-related disorder apparently.
Originally when I started itching badly 24/7 early 2010 that led to a PBC diagnosis by Dec 2010 I noticed that certain areas, my calves for eg started to look a bit bronzed after a time due to scratching and rubbing the area frequently.
After some time taking urso I have noticed that the bronzing seems to have vanished (maybe due to improved biliary system taking urso?) but whree I do itch the skin seems to now remain a bit tanned looking.
Certain parts of the anatomy can take on brown pigment and back in 2010 I had more noticeable dark shadows beneath my eyes but over time they have lessened greatly. I sometimes find my eyes itch and natural to then rub so I don't think I am making things better but I just think with this PBC now nothing I can really do. Thankfully for a few years now the itch has not been as severe as it was back during 2010.
I don't think there are any creams that you can take away these patches. I do think though that looking after the skin can improve the look though. Have you tried one of the concealing sticks that look like lipstick? There are 2 on the market, one is yellow, the other green and they are supposed to cover certain types of blemishes. I did buy one a few years ago and sometimes use it, it is a yellow one and supposed to colour dark shadows. I can recommend a good UK site I have used for 20+ years and that contain no nasties.

Hi thank you I would like that web site please I have been using bb cream to cover them it works ok but would like something a bit better thanks for your time xxx
Hello again Kimmy1972.
Here is the link to the home page of the site. They do free delivery UK only. Used to be known as Martha Hill. They don't market heavily I have always found, send a new products small brochure couple times a year and odd emails.

Thank you x
Hi I have dark patches from my chin on to my neck. I didn't know what it was but I have sallow skin anyway. Read somewhere, probably on here, it is PBC related. I just assumed it was something else I had to learn to live with. Urso has made no difference to these patches.
Thanks for that I will just have to keep on using my make up to cover it
Hi Kimmy1972
I haven't had any real nasty side affects taking Urso other than weight gain which I believe can be caused by it, albeit it's rare. I didn't have a liver biopsy as I presented so many symptoms of PBC that my consultant felt it wasn't necessary. I know it's scary but try not to feel anxious, you're more likely to die with PBC than from it, however Urso slows down the progression of the condition. My LFT results are now normal thanks to Urso .Unfortunately Urso doesn't alleviate the negative symptoms of PBC. I have attached a link to an article which was published in the British Medical Journal on PBC and Fatigue which was sent to me by my doctor a couple of weeks ago. I have always struggled to explain the fatigue to family, friends and health professionals. This article said it all for me, it was such a relief to know I wasn't the only one experiencing this. I now carry it with me 😊. It also has some useful links. I hope it helps. Take care.
I have these as well. I have one that looks like a mustache lol I was told it was liver spots and there was nothing I could do about it. It is more like patches on me then spots. It is worse on my face then anywhere else.
Hi Kimmy , I have the dark patch on the back of my neck. It looks' like I failed to scrub my neck appropriatelyvthroughbthe years.I guess in the in the scheme of things, not to bad a situation. I wear my hair a little long.always had Olive color skin, but now I am much more bronze. I am just greatful I am responding to urso. I just take it one day at a time and don't focus muchnon it.
Hi Kimmy. I have these too and have had for the last 15 years since the birth of my last child. My own opinion is that they are actually hormone related. They appear each summer, despite using SPF50, and on different parts of my face. They fade a bit in the winter. They don't really bother me too much at this stage but they did for some time. A quick fix is to cover them in foundation. Estes Lauder do excellent ones. Alternatively I would highly recommend La Roche Posay. They had just brought out a new pigmentation serum. 2 dermatologists have separately recommended their products to me. Could take between 8-12 weeks to work but I would be surprised if you didn't get good results.
Thank you for that my hubby taking me to metro centre now to buy some as honest they are so awful .my period had stopped also but doc said I am to young for the change but I think other wise xx
Hi Kimmy, you mention the Metro Centre, are you in the North East and under Prof Jones at the CRESTA Clinic in Newcastle.
Hi , I have Brown marks on my skin I put them down to ageing. My consultant said if you have liver problems liver spots can show, also ageing and long term time in the sun. As for me I put it down to being an old codger.....lol
I have dark patches on both my forearms that have been there since before being diagnosed. I assume they'll never go away (probably from when I was scratching all the time). My skin is generally darker on my lower extremities. I look tan.