I have had PBC for 7 years .lately I have been experiencing what could be interpreted as pressure in my left nostril .i am seeing my Gastro specialist next week but I wondered if others had a similar symptom
I have had PBC for 7 years .lately I have been experiencing what could be interpreted as pressure in my left nostril .i am seeing my Gastro specialist next week but I wondered if others had a similar symptom
I don't have a pressure feeling, but I do get very dry nostrils where it's hard to breathe through my nose, I put this down to the secondry sjogrens I suffer with.
Hello boneytoys.
It could be fluctuation in blood pressure. I experienced nose bleeds for quite some time and from 2012 up until beginning of 2014 I had a few cauterisations for what was said a pinprick graze in my nose down the middle of one side.
I have been quite fine now for just short of a year. I know my nose is damaged due to the chemical cauterisations. It runs at times due to the sensitivity. I have experienced some pressure myself in the last year but and I think it is due to blood flow at times, especially when I am hot.
Yours could be totally unrelated to PBC.
I was fortunate that the GP surgery I registered with just over 2yrs ago now has a GP there who is an ENT surgeon. He did the last 2 cauterisations in surgery when I went to see him with my problem. Before I registered with this surgery, I did have a Choose & Book referral to ENT and chose to go to the large Health Centre in town where there is an ENT clinic.