I was wondering if anybody took any high blood pressure medication?I was prescribed 10 mg of Lisinopril last week by my Family Doctor.But I always check with my Hepatologist before taking any new medication.He gave me the go ahead to take it.But to take it at night since it can cause dizziness.
High Blood Pressure Medication: I was... - PBC Foundation
High Blood Pressure Medication

Hi there,
I too take blood pressure medicine. Have been on it about 10 years. Was first giving Lisinopril but it did make me dizzy. Now I take Irbesartan, no side effects thankfully.
I take enalapril every morning. Been taking it before pbc diagnosis. My hepatologist has a list of all the meds & vitamin supplements that I take. He runs down the list every time I see him in case of any updates.
I have been on Irbesartan for 15 yrs with no side effects, recently had to add another hypertensive medication tried 3 different ones before I found one without side effects. Side effects I experienced were dizziness, nausea, flushing ++++ and urinary problems.
I’m been taking lisinopril 10g for year. I don’t get dizzy. I take it in the morning with food. It did help my blood pressure to be in the normal range.
I used to take lisinopril and amlodipine for high BP. Last year my potassium level went way up (.03% below life threatening) so I was taken off lisinopril. I was experiencing muscle (stomach) cramps. The amlodipine dose was increased. Before that I had no side effects.
I am on no med... losartan and it occasionally makes me dizzy not all the time.... which in turn makes me nauseated. Usually lisinopril causes a cough or swelling
Hi Tracy, I take lisinopril (10 mg) each night before I go to bed and it doesn't affect me.