My mother has been diagnosed with PBC since 2013 she is 72 years old. She had recent bloodwork in January 2015 which showed all of her liver enzymes were in normal range. In the last 6 months test and scans have showed no cirrhosis developed and no varices. She seemed to be pretty good lately other than some slight itching and fatigue. However for the past 3 days she has been in severe pain with her mid to upper back. We have been to the hospital emergency room, urgent treatment center and her liver specialist all in 2 days. Her bloodwork from ER showed ( AST is 325 ,ALT 473 Alkaline Phosphatase 121). Her Alt and Ast have tripled in numbers since January. Tylenol does not help with pain at all. Emergency room gave her tramadol that did nothing. Morphine was then given. That helped with pain for about 10 hours until last night the back pain started again. The only relief she could get was to sit in the bathtub during the night with hot water. That seemed to ease the pain a little. She has not slept for 3days. This morning I knew we had to get something for the pain so I took her to the urgent treatment center and she was given Norco for the pain. She is presently asleep and in little pain. My mother hates taking anything for pain because of the PBC but we were desperate to get her out of discomfort.
I know everyone has there own experience with PBC but if anyone has experienced severe upper back with fluctuating numbers please share your thoughts. I dont know if this means her liver is inflammed or suffering any due to the back pain and elevated enzymes. All the liver specialist told us he wants to do a ultrasound of the liver which is scheduled for 2 weeks. He thinks more lower back pain is associated with the PBC than upper. My mother explains the pain as right in the middle of the shoulder blades.
This is so hard for me to see her suffer and be in so much discomfort lately. Best Wishes to everyone with PBC. This disease is so unpredictable and seems like an unsolved puzzle to me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to her my story. This site has the most caring people.