Does anyone suffer with fast heart beat ? - PBC Foundation
Does anyone suffer with fast heart beat ?
Hi Conniefused, yes I do but until I read your question I didn't associate it with PBC. My doctor gave me beta blockers which help. I've been told that my PBC is pre-clinical and may never develop but I have lots of symptoms.
Yes I do. Not all the time but in spells of a few months at a time.
Never been sure if it was directly related to PBC or its just the strain of trying to carry on when I feel so ill.
I believe it's one of the symptoms of thyroid problems, and also adrenal insufficiency (which I think is believed to often be a precursor to thyroid problems, although I gather the medical profession don't go along with all this - there's a good group 'Thyroid UK' on Health Unchecked). However, there could be many more conditions. Are you checked regularly for thyroid issues? I am, as it's often associated with PBC. But I would get checked for all possible other causes, just to be on the safe side. Take care.
Thank you for your replies. I am going to visit an endo on Tuesday re the thyroid matter, but it's the same one who sent me home last August with T3 toxicosis (Too much T3 thyroid hormone). I have hashimotos disease as it is but have had no treatment for it as yet. I understand the link between Thyroid and autoimmune liver disease, but endo's deny it and say it's just unfortunate I developed this. They do not check my bloods often enough for the thyroid, but they do my monthly check for the AIH/PBC.
I am sure like me that we are all aware of how our PBC/AIH affect us, but on top of that I have other symptoms that I can't relate to either. I can't tolerate the cold or the heat, I have serious brain fog at times and am missing hair under arms.....I also have a low basal rate temp.
I am not leaving that place on Tuesday without some explanation as to why I get headaches, thirst, constipation and fast/loud heartbeat. I have wondered about the adrenals though and will mention this to her.....I actually believe I need to see an immunologist not an endo because I have multiple autoimmune conditions.
Thanks guys, I will keep you posted.
I have the heat/cold 'thermometer feels broken issues', brain fog/slight disoreintation at times, headaches, thirst, constipation but thankfully not the fast/loud heardbeat. I recently had an MRI of the brain and learned that I have an 'empty sella' or what is referred to as a flattened/crushed/damaged pituitary gland that may be causing adrenal issues. I haven't yet made an appointment with an Endocrinologist to assess all the issues that may be stemming from this, but find it interesting given my last brain MRI several years ago did not show this issue. I wonder if it is coincidental or is working hand-in-hand with autoimmune and/or PBC issues (DXd spring '13). My last thryroid readings were in the low normal range several years ago and I haven't been checked since.