"Vitamin D could provide a "miracle cure" for up to 18 auto-immune diseases ranging from multiple sclerosis, diabetes, coeliac disease,........."
Is Vitamin D the answer to auto-immune dise... - PBC Foundation
Is Vitamin D the answer to auto-immune diseases?

I am not so sure reading the article on here Betonarme.
I think if you are in the sunshine and your body is manufacturing Vit D naturally then that's all good and fine. But I think if we were to all start having supplements then I am not so sure there at all.
You can actually cause toxicity with too much Vit D in supplement form and that has a knock-on effect with the calcium blood levels.
I think the best way is to utilise what sun we do have here in England and also it si sorth remembering that you can also get Vit D during the colder months if there is some sunshine, just have to be out in it a bit longer.
Hi Peridot,
I have to agree with you on Vitamin D daily dosis. Too much Vit D is for sure not of a benefit but a problem. And I also think getting it naturally through sunlight is the best way.
I've found the article interesting read for linkage between Vitamin D deficiancy and autoimmune diseases.
I wonder how common is the PBC in those Countries with lots of Sunshine compared to Central Europe.
Now you have posed an interesting question there in wonderment of how others in other countries that have a lot of sunshine are with Vit D and possibly how many have PBC.
I think I am right in saying that the PBC Foundation once showed a map of how many across the globe were affected with PBC so it might be worth enquiring with them. It has been a long time since I saw this and had forgotten about it.
My vitamin D levels were 'a bit low' according to the hospital consultant back in early 2011 (just after diagnosis) but he wasn't concerned. I rang his secretary for the actual numbers reading and found it was on the low line of normal and as doctor said 'a bit low'. (The hospital doctor wrote this in his letter to me, I rang to ask what it meant.)
During 2011 I utilised the sun more (never been a sun-lover) and when I had a recheck several months on from the one that was 'a bit low' it was found I was adequately in supply of my own so it does seem that sunshine can manufacture Vit D much much better than we would if using supplements and/or any minute amounts that are found in food.
My vitamin D levels are very low, which my doc contributes to my fatigue. I do work at home and don't go outside as I did years ago, and often wonder whether they have dipped due to being inside, having PBC or both. I took an 8 week 50,000 IU regimen and unfortunately, my level stayed in the low range, so I am back on another round. I steer toward a lot of VIT D foods (mostly natural and not fortefied) but to no avail. I wonder when there will be a cure or bridge to help those of us who need it, to be able to absorb it into our systems.
I think it should be enough(in most cases) to be outside in the daylight (sunny or cloudy does not matter).
I'm not sure how long one should spent outside for enough vitamin d but you can find this out. With the daylight our skin synthesizes that vitamin d which we need it.
I think you can beat all other sources with just a enough daylight.
But it seems amount or the intesity of the light in England or north Europe is less than Mallorca.
I have been prescribed vit D by my rheumy. My VitD was low (I think that's PBC related) and still developing autoimmune diseases regularly. For that matter I still have asthma as well. However it is an important vitamin and PBC can cause low levels, as I now have had problems with, VitD , iron and folic acid I get checked regularly with my other bloods.
I think the uneven spread of PBC is down to certain racial groups being more prone than others.
I am sure this sounds crazy, but I live in Florida. It is hot here all the time. I also do a lot of work outside. I have been here for the last 9 years. I was diagnosed with PBC this year!
There might be something in this regarding symptoms.. I've recently just come back from Spain and we've had a few sunny days here.. I usually have a lot of chest and joint pain. This has virtually disappeared in the past few weeks.. I do have pbc, raynauds and connective tissue disease too..