Hair loss: hi, Has anyone experienced hair... - PBC Foundation

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Hair loss

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Has anyone experienced hair loss while on Urso?

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I have bad hair loss but I didn't think it was down to the urso, I just thought it was through PBC, mine isn't growing back and I can't afford the stuff called regain etc as the price has now gone sky high.

The DR isn't bothered either, may as well talk to my self.

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Hiya Linda.

Haven't noticed you on here in awhile (unless I haven't read anything that you perhaps contributed to). Hope you are doing as well as can be as I am.

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Hi, yes still struggling on as best i can. I thought I had posted a few times but been a bit preoccupied this week with computer stuff.

NotorDJP profile image

I am not diagnosed yet, but I started having hair loss. The dermatologist said I have male pattern baldness I wasn't sure I believed him. I use minoxidil to try to regro and take care of my hair. The low vitamins we have with PBC can't help. I'm not on urso yet, so I hope it doesn't get worse. I've actually slowed my loss and some is growing back with the minoxidil.

in reply to NotorDJP

I can't afford to pay £25 a month for the hair stuff and then body creams and soaps, this is costing a fortune and should all be free to us, seems anything that is any good you have to pay for.

NotorDJP profile image
NotorDJP in reply to

Not sure how you can expect shampoos to be free to you, but ok. I know you get your meds free in the UK, but the shampoos aren't meds.

in reply to NotorDJP

Regain / minoxidil isn't a shampoo, it was available on prescription as lotion or injection into the scalp but they have now taken it off prescription, I certainly don't expect free shampoo.

NotorDJP profile image
NotorDJP in reply to

Ok gotcha. I guess they dont think losing hair as life or death. Of course they usually dont care about womens hair loss

in reply to NotorDJP

They just don't realise how upsetting and stressful it is for a woman to lose her hair. mine is very noticeable well to me it is as i can see my scalp gleaming through when I look in the mirror.

June9961 profile image

Yes. Not a massive loss but noticeable. I was told it was just another little known side effect of pbc or that it could be all the medication. X

Val02 profile image

Yes, and mine was due to low iron levels - I now take floradix liquid iron and it has regrown. It might be worth having your iron levels checked?

I don't somehow think that hair loss is due to urso at all.

Urso to me is more like a supplement as opposed to a drug as such due to the fact it is a form of bile acid that we are simply supplementing our system with due to our disappearing bile ducts in PBC.

Given the liver plays a part in the hormone cycle it could well be this that is causing the hair to thin more.

I've been on urso now for just over 3yrs and can't say my hair is any different on my head but find hair growth on the other normal parts of the female anatomy seem to be more rapid these days. But I thought that as women aged (I am in perimenopause apparently and I am not far off being 50), due to our hormones altering with the change certain things do change.

LouWooda profile image
LouWooda in reply to

I tend to agree, Peridot. Love your new bio picture by the way, you look in fine fettle and happy :)

in reply to LouWooda

Thanks for the kind comments LouWooda. Funny thing is that first thing in a morning I feel pretty spectacular, raring to go and all that but then in the evening, I can start to see the strains somehow. But that could also be due to the fact that I have had a long day and probably not had as much sleep as I really could do with the previous night when I usually wake and then the itch starts up again.

LouWooda profile image

Morning all! :) Not sure about it being due to the Urso. I had fine, brittle thinning hair prior to Urso and I'm quite confident that any autoimmune disease can cause hair loss.

hi all,

Thanks for all the responses. I have always had a good thick head of hair, so it unusual for this loss now. I have been tested(for other reasons) and not going through early menopause, so can rule hormones out.

angel xx

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Hello angel74.

My hair has always been fine like my mother's was and it still is. Can't say I have noticed any hair loss myself.

I started with erratic menstrual cycle earlier last year and then realised that I might be starting with the change (apparently it is called the perimenopause). I am still the same there but in the last couple months I have started to experience the hot flushes at odd times. I've no desire to see a doctor with regards to the pending menopause (unless I thought I was having real problems). A case of just trying to continue eating healthily and crack on with life.

Lexi_Img profile image

Yes, I have breaking hair. When I brush or comb it I can hear it breaking. I asked my hair dresser she thinks it is due to medication. I did not have it before Urdosol. I started to take Biotin which I heard on Dr. Oz. I do not think it helps. I think I am going to ask my gastrointestinal in March when I see him. I will let you all know. I also noticed these breaking pieces that stand straight up. I hate it. I tried Loreal triable resistance

Shampoo,Conditioner, and their leave in conditioner. If you know of any thing else besides breaking eggs on your head please let me know. I think I will purchase a satin pillow case too. My hair was the only decent thing on my body except my heart. God bless Thank you xx

NotorDJP profile image

I went to a dermatologist and he said mine was genetic, but I think its the PBC. I use Revita shampoo. It has lots of things in it that stop hair loss. I use this and anti DHT shampoo and moroccan oil products. I also use minoxidil from Revita on the areas that are thinning. I've seen some good results. I was taking lots of supplements, but have stopped until I'm told for sure I have PBC. I will then go back on my Vit D, B-12 and probably Iron and protein drinks. I think it was helping me. I also am trying to get off omeprazole. I hear that it stops the ingestion of vitamins too. People with PBC already have this issue so I'm sure that doesn't help either.

NotorDJP profile image

No they don't. They figure, just live with it. The minox I buy isn't that bad, its actually very cheap here overall. I buy a more expensive version, but you can get it for about 10.00 US here.

Julez1961 profile image

Yes I have but its been really great since using a product called Nioxin or another called Nak Scalp to Hair. These products are easily found on the internet. And there are reviews also.

I own a hairdressing salon and we sell a lot of it now as our clients have seen the amazing results on me. It takes a couple of months to show great results, all it does is thicken the hair you have left, it won't regrow hair on a bald head. These are shampoos and conditioner so very easy to incorporate in your daily schedule. All our clients still use these products and love them.

Ginger_11 profile image


I noticed hair loss and went to my doctor, who did the blood tests that eventually came to my diagnosis! I already had under active thyroid but was stable (over 10 years) at the time and no hair loss from that. So I believe the hair loss is due to the PBC condition and not the Urso.

Lexi_Img profile image

My pharmacy said that with Urdosol it has been reports of hair loss. Mine is breaking off everywhere. Is there a drug for counter action?

NotorDJP profile image
NotorDJP in reply to Lexi_Img

In the states, people will take aldactone (a BP med) that has a side effect of growing hair. Not sure that is something you want to do though. The minoxidil is actually cheaper (at least here) and I wouldn't want another med going into my liver.

Lexi_Img profile image

Thank you

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