I was diagnosed with under active thyroid and then later PBC. I have noticed that a number of people have both these auto immune issues. My question is if T4 is converted to T3 via the liver would it not be better for us to just take T3? Sx
PBC & THYROID ISSUES: I was diagnosed with... - PBC Foundation

Also I just wondered if there is anyone who has PBC but does not have an underactive thyroid but still has itching? Sx
I've only got PBC and I've not got any thyroid problems or other ones currently known.
I started itching back in 2010, later that year I was diagnosed with PBC. Only other sympton I had was fatigued at the time but that has long since vanished so my only sympton of PBC currently is the itching (night time).
Also has anyone done the blood cleansing to help get rid of itching...... sorry I can't remember the name but it is like kidney dialysis but for the liver if you know what I mean..... sorry for being so foggy headed but today has not been a good day!! Sx
I think you'll find recently that someone posted on here that they had had this done, Newcastle hospital I think and they developed, think it was pancreasitis (not sure of spelling there) or could ithav e been peritonitis from this procedure.
Went on to say that their itching did not vanish.
I have PBC and the itch but no thyroid problems. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies. Peridot I did read that someone had bile drained away but I don't think this is the same procedure that I am thinking about as the one I am thinking about is to clense the blood through a machine that gets rid of whatever is causing the itch. x
I Went to my GP with fatigue about 14 years ago, I was sent for a LFT and didn't hear anything back from my GP, so I just thought I was ok. Over the years I went back to my GP with aches, pains and other problems. I was diagnosed with IBS but the fatigue by then was severe and I just couldn't function, the GP told my my fatigue was probably depression, when I knew I wasn't depressed just really fatigued. Then about 9 years ago I went back to GP and told her that iwas wasn't depressed just tired and now itching like crazy especially at night, also irritable legs, I was sent for another LFT and the results were PBC - i'd had it 5 years ago on my last LFT and my GP back then never told me. Anyway, since then I have been diagnosed with Osteopenia, Diverticula Disease, Underactive Thyroid, and the latest one is Fibromalgia. I also see an Orthoditist or something...foggy brain, sorry ; ). I go to other clinics with bladder and bowel problems and at the moment i'm waiting for my hearing for DLA as I failed the examination from the home visit peson- wouldn't call him a doctor. Sorry for going on I don't come on here too often and have never told anyone all my conditions, just not a good day for me today and will be going for my yearly Gastroscopy later. I wish you well xx
AngelaGM, your story is so similiar to mine and I think I have had auto immune issues for more than 20 years but I was also told it was all down to depression!!!!!!! Good luck with your gastroscopy. xx
Hi, I have an underactive thyroid, Raynauds and PBC with possible overlap syndrome of Autoimmune Hepatitis. I consider myself fortunate not to have the itch. Not sure if it will remain that way, but while it does I count my blessings.
Thanks for your reply cee_cee. I have had the itching for 18 months and it is totally driving me insane!!! Not sure if I can put up with it for much longer to be honest!! x
Hi all I was diagnosed with under active thyroid about 20 yrs ago . Then last year went to the doc with other thing and bloods done , outcome was ulcerative colitis ,autoimmune hepatitis and PBC overlap . My consultant not to good so not really sure what it all meant until I came across this web site . Still not really sure . Have good days and bad . X
Diagnosed with PBC in 2007. Still have issues with Doctor being dismissive and absent when it comes to symptoms. Sometimes I think he thinks I am crazy! Antibodies for both hyper and hypo thyroid ism .. Fatigue achy and itchy! Some days are better than others.. Frustrated.. If I can research PBC why can't he? Prescribed Cymbalta for nerve pain and depression.. Felt absolutely awful... He upped prescription .. Pharmacist alerted me to possible liver issues quit taking and feel much better. Dr seemed angry when I stopped! Small town in Wyoming limited physicians... Moving soon so looking for good GP in Rapid City SD. Gastro available there too! Thanks for letting me vent!