Hello PA family, just needed to ask a quick question, " does anyone else suffer from occasional burning in the stomach"? I do have pernicious anemia/ B12 deficiency/ gastritis but I haven't had these symptoms since I was first diagnosed. Really curious as to why it will show up again.
Stomach burning : Hello PA family... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Stomach burning

So that it's clear to everyone reading your post ; the first time you experienced it - was it before injection started or after?
Could be acid reflux.
I think that’s not so likely in a Pernicious Anaemia patient , as they have low or no stomach acid —- Hypochlorhydria or Achlorhydria , which can cause tummy problems . On no account should PA patients take PPIs or acid supressing medications , except for a short time .
But low stomach acid can cause stomach problems.
I would suggest incorporating probiotic foods into the diet . Kefir ( home made is superior) Real yoghurt , sauerkraut, kimchi .Can really help and can do no harm
It is possible to have stomach acid tested , but NHS won’t do it . A good dietitian may be able to help.
But it was with me
Well , if a patient with PA does have a little stomach acid still , it can cause reflux because the oesophageal sphincter does not close tightly because the acid is not strong enough to make the sphincter close . If acid reducing medications are then wrongly administered , that causes problems with the absorption of vitamins and minerals . because so the annihilation of stomach acid . We need our stomach acid to stay well, to help in the breakdown of vitamins , minerals and trace elements and to keep a check on bad bacteria .
The answer in such cases is to acidify the stomach . Often capsules of Betaine HCl with pepsin are used . This will solve the problem of reflux as once the correct dosage is applied , the sphincter will close tightly, so no reflux will occur .
I am VERY new here and new to this. I believe I have PA and yes I get burning. Sometimes it's pretty intense. I found that stomach burning and gasteoporesis is uncomfortable when my b vitamin is too low. You can talk to your doctor, but if it's been happening for a while now maybe it's time to up your dose slightly to see if there is any symptom relief? Just a thought, but again I'm very new at this but that is what has helped me.