recently had the Intrinsic Factor Antibody test and Paretal antibody test. IF antibody was unequivocal and the Paretal AB test was positive. Ii was immediately diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia. It took 3 years to get diagnosed. In the past 6 years I’ve had numerous trips to specialists and been prescribed drugs for these symptoms. All of the symptoms are from B12 Deficiency I started self administering through injections just after I had a major episode that resembled a heart issue. The first time I was injected with Methylcobalamin the next day I felt better than I had in 10 years. None of my blood work indicated a B12 deficiency, the serum B12 was 2000, spuriously high. Because the numbers didn’t indicate a deficiency the doctors would not dig deeper. I knew that something was wrong with me, they couldn’t or wouldn’t help me. I continued treatment with self injections and currently inject hydroxocobalamin daily.
The cause of my PA is quite simple. I was prescribed daily doses of esmezprazole for TEN YEARS. The doctors know that proton pump inhibitors cause B12 deficiency yet they didn’t treat it or even consider it as a cause of my symptoms.
I think at this point after 3 years of being undiagnosed, if I hadn’t self treated I would be close to death now.
I hope this helps anyone struggling with symptoms who isn’t getting any progress. You must be your own advocate doctors are not all knowing and should be questioned at every possible point of doubt on your part.
good luck and cheers to the British, I hope you get your country back to freedom.