Hi everyone,
It's my first post here after watching over the last few weeks! I'm from the UK and having a bit of a mare getting my GP to seriously investigate what's wrong with me. I'd really appreciate your advice on my blood test results in particular. Apologies in advance for the essay 🙈. Skip to the end for the results I'd love help on!! I've been to the doctor's 4 times now and not getting far 😭.
In terms of background, I'd been suffering sinusitis type symptoms since November 2023, didn't think anything of it at first then realised this was a head cold that was lasting too long. We'd moved into a new house with some signs of mildew so put it down to that.
Flash forward to March and I caught an illness off a colleague. Symptoms were a massively swollen tongue, raw red throat and generally feeling unwell (although not massively feverish). Took me about 3 weeks to feel somewhat human. The first day of illness also coincided with my period beginning. I was treated with antibiotics for strep throat... This cleared up quickly then I developed a rasp when breathing (though my chest was clear) so was put on steroids and that was that, it cleared up.
My glands were still swollen since and got worse in April and I felt generally not myself (prior to the illness I was in the gym twice a week and walking lots). Still also feeling the sinusitis type symptoms (really sore face, sore eyes, headache). Visited the doctor and was told my glands would still be swollen from my illness come back if still swollen in 2 weeks. Felt able to go for light walks but still not ready for the gym.
Still no improvement in May (still had swollen glands too) and felt bad on my first day of my period again so saw the doctors again and then they started testing me for asthma, came back all clear in June. By this point in June I had started to develop a high level of fatigue that meant I needed a nap during the day to function.
Went back to my doctor's in July feeling utterly flat in mood and exhausted. Unable to do light exercise by this point and also developed dizziness, headaches, brain fog, twitching thighs especially at night, high anxiety (never had anxiety in my life!) and my heart feeling fluttery. Glands still swollen. Doctor agreed an 'MOT' was needed and was particularly interested whether my period was playing a part (as they are very heavy).
From the below results the doctor initially said 'some borderline results, probably insignificant but let's test again in three months'. So at this point I'm reaching rock bottom mentally and starting to feel like a huge hypochondriac! I pushed back at the suggestion to retest in 3 months and have been told to take Ferrous Fumerate 322mg once a day, have my contraceptive implant removed and be retested in two months instead.
Naturally I've spent a lot of time on DR Google during this whole thing so I'd love your input regarding my B12, ferritin, folate and MCV results.
Only other thing to add is I'm 32 years old, female, eat 120g protein per day (as part of my gym focused diet, and only 25g of this from 'added protein yoghurt'). I didn't think much of it but I get pins and needles in my arms and feet when they are still for too long or are elevated, particularly when sleeping.
Otherwise the doctor tested for polycystic ovaries and thyroid and diabetes, this all came back clear. My glands are still swollen to date. I've always been someone who is tired but never unable to do daily activities.
Thank you so much in advance if you put up with my essay and made it this far!! ❤️❤️
Coded entry - Mean cell haemoglobin level (XE2pb) 32.5 pg [27 - 32] - Above high reference limit
Coded entry - Serum folate level (42U5.) 5.8 ng/ml [3 - 20]; At levels 3.0-4.5 ug/L, consider other causes of macrocytosis but if; clinical suspicion remains high, consider a trial of therapy after; B12; levels have been investigated. Monitor FBC/MCV for response.
Coded entry - Serum ferritin level (XE24r) 36 ng/ml; 30-100ug/L: Indeterminate ferritin result.; Iron deficiency cannot be excluded in the presence of concurrent; infection, inflammation, malignancy or liver disease. In the context; of these conditions, or anaemia being present, suggest transferrin; saturation to further investigate. Otherwise, this represents a; ferritin result within the normal range.; Ferritin interpretation in adult females:; <15ug/L: Consistent with absolute iron deficiency; 15-30ug/L: Indicative of low body iron stores; 30-100ug/L: Indeterminate ferritin; 100-310ug/L: Normal ferritin; >310: High ferritin
Coded entry - Serum vitamin B12 level (XE2pf) 152 ng/L; Below low reference limit; Vitamin B12 interpretation:; <100 ng/L: likely deficiency.; 100-145 ng/L: possible deficiency.; 145-200 ng/L: may still indicate deficiency in a small proportion; >200 ng/L: deficiency not likely to be present.; >914 ng/L: Raised serum vitamin B12.; B12 146-200ng/L: In a small proportion of patients, deficiency; may be; present and further investigations could be considered - this; would; usually only be patients under neurology or haematology.
Thank you again!