Google Scholar have just sent through a paper titled: Treatment and Long Term Management of B12 Deficiency in Adults which is a publication. It is currently not peer reviewed but definitely worth a read. I can't work out how to send it as a link but you can request it via Google Scholar. First published 19th March and is European research.
Google Scholar research paper - Pernicious Anaemi...
Google Scholar research paper

Thank you for posting this!
Is this what your refering to Orchard33 ?............
Yes, that's the one. Thanks.
If when your looking at something of interest whilst its on the screen go to the search bar and click on the link in the bar it should turn blue if not run your curser along it then click again and press copy. If you wish to put on here click and press paste........ got it ? 🤔
It took me awhile to figure out how to do it but practise makes perfect.
Give it a go. 😘 💐
Brill. I will give it a go at the earliest opportunity. Thanks again.
Us old one's wont be bamboozeled by modern teck..... high five Lol.
The first time my son said 'high five' I wondered what the heck he was talking about ! As for the Lol thing I wondered who this Lol was.
How times have changed. 😂
Completely agree. I no longer break out in an anxious sweat when faced with a new tech. challenge. How good is that?
High five chick. ✋
High five but I can't find how to access emoji on this site!!! Another challenge.
It's should be the smiley face at the bottom as typing but mine isn't working!
You can access them on your mouse. 🐀 Right click and they will pop up on the top of the list Emoji then click on it. 👌
The one I am stuck on is how to send a video. 🤔 I can send a link for one but cant send an actual video.
We will get the hang of it with a little practice. Got to go iv'e a hospital appt. Iv's got to do some 🚴ing just to get a pair of dtaw's on.
This old age is cruel. 🧑🦳 🤣
Thanks again. I wrote on healthunlocked on my phone so no mouse. Will explore further. I like to learn something new every day even if I forget it!!!Yes, aging full of surprises.
Oh that's handy I just clicked on the emoji smilley face as I were typing and it popped up. 👏 I now dont know how to close the wretched thing !

Getting just the abstract and not yet peer-reviewed but E. Andres is on the list of authors of this paper -and has been involved in research into B12 deficiency for many years.
There is a worrying mismatch between the variety and severity of symptoms discussed here on the forum and listed on B12 deficiency support groups, and those recognised by the NHS particularly at primary care level.
Why is this so important to us ? Because time is of the essence with treatment and access to secondary care is increasingly difficult and only available via primary care. IF a GP is to suspect B12 deficiency, it will be because they recognise the visible symptoms and/or believe the patient when they are trying to explain the non-visible symptoms. Possibly even recognise the onset of more severe warning-signs before any of this becomes permanent. Face-to-face appointments and continuity help with both mutual trust and monitoring treatment.
A big ask - but only a suspicion required for an initial blood test request.
We are fighting against lack of recognition of the symptoms, causing a lack of understanding of the potential severity of this condition. This is why misdiagnosis has become commonplace, early treatment not prioritised, and undertreatment the norm.
It starts with a list. Ours or theirs ? It matters.
The experts used for this research are unlikely to be in agreement on all aspects -but surely must have noticed what B12 deficiency really looks like and have a more complete understanding of what it must feel like.
We live in hope. We have to.
I agree very much with you and we do live in hope. I thought the paper was more broad-minded and enlightened about the illness and was rather struck by the comments on length of time between symptoms and diagnosis and treatment. I've believed since I was first diagnosed that the length of time between the illness first imperceptibly appearing and it's diagnosis is a very important factor in how long very frequent treatment should last for to reboot the body. I believe this is a very important factor in designing treatment for the individual. But individually designed treatment is a distant dream.
- Not if you are the designer !
I am now reconciled to the fact that I will need more injections than the NHS are willing or equipped to give. But it is a fact nonetheless, and would like that accepted by medical professionals, not just by all my family, friends and neighbours.
[That could well be a distant dream.]
Just click the Blue highlighted "Download pdf" link below the abstract.
i do that , but absolutely nothing happens ! Frustrating ! Cannot access the report . . I’m on an iphone . 😱!
I believe I can private email you somehow. No idea how but I could email the paper to you.
Please do not put yourself out . I’m obviously stupid ! Boy thank you for your kind thought .
I don't think that. If I hadn't downloaded I wouldn't be able to find it again!