I've been giving some thought to how long I've had PA. I was diagnosed about 2 years ago. BUT, when i look back at old photos of myself, my skin colour changed to be quite yellowy (my mum says my dad and his mum both had the yellowy skin tone). This yellowy colour has faded out and I'm much more "white" now I've been injecting regularly with B12. Also, when i was giving birth to my first child i used a lot of gas and air, to the extent that my whole body was tingling all over (i remember telling my husband I couldn't turn the TENS machine off. Could that have been because I was low in B12?
I've always been tired and would sleep in the afternoon (I remember"power napping"at lunchtime when i was in my twenties in the lunch room at work, much to the amusement of colleagues.
And I've never been able to walk up hills without stopping (my husband has often wondered if I'll need an ambulance before i get to the top, I've even wondered if i have exercise induced asthma at times. This has also improved with B12.
I also get exercise induced migraines (since my 20s) (and just migraines for no reason at all). These are proving to be less responsive to B12 but have improved.
So, since some of these symptoms date back to my 20s and even childhood, I wonder if my PA has been grumbling along for decades. I suspect finally pushed into the open by an anaesthetic for an operation. I also suspect there is a genetic link (especially since my brother has just announced he's had tingly feet for years).
Has anyone experienced similar? Especially the yellow skin and tingling all over on gas and air?