Hello all, I am newly diagnosed with b12 deficiency (112 pmol/l). Haven't had any other tests yet but am wondering about tests for PA now. As well as being newly diagnosed b12 deficient I am also newly vegan (since end of January) and that's the only reason I actually went to get tested.
Since finding out about my deficiency I've been reading like crazy. Already done 'could it be B12' and am now onto Martyn's book 'what you need to know about PA and B12 def.'
Reading the symptoms and looking back I actually suspect I may have been deficient for a good few years now and perhaps going vegan was just the tipping point. I read last night in Martyn's book that a healthy functioning person can go for a few years without consuming b12 before their stores are depleted because of the liver/bile (?) secreting/reabsorbing (?) small amounts of B12 into the system (I thought I'd highlighted the passage on my kindle but cannot for the life of me find it now so please excuse me sounding like a complete numpty!) so this gets me thinking that I should ask for PA testing and not assume that it's linked only to the veganism.
My doctor has been nigh on useless so far. Firstly he berated me for my choice of veganism based on the fact that it doesn't matter what I do, the animals still die and the planet is still doomed. Whatever! I didn't come for an ethical debate with him. I came to discuss my health. When he called to tell me my results and couldn't get hold of me he sent me a 5 word email stating 'test results - vit b12 deficient'. Total sum of! No info. No recommendations on treatment. No suggestion that I come in to discuss with him. After emailing him back he prescribed Neurobion tabs which contain only 200mcg of cyanocobalamin... took those for a couple of weeks whilst doing some reading up and saw no improvement in symptoms so have now 'prescribed' myself some methylcobalamin 5000mcg sublingual lozenges. Started off with 2 a day and now onto one a day. Some days I think I feel better and others not quite so sure.
I think its about a month ago now since i found out. Have been thinking about retesting maybe in another month or so and also testing for PA. How long before another serum b12 test do I need to stop supplementing. Will the supplementation (only b12 so far) I've already been taking skew any of the PA tests?
I also suspect my mum to be severely deficient too. She is now almost crippled with mystery pains that no one has ever gotten to the bottom of. She feels like they just think shes a hypochondriac as she's at the doctors practically every week and they just keep sending her away. I asked her to go get tested and she's already been fobbed off on the basis of her full blood count results only... sigh... So annoyed!
Oh and I should add that I don't live in the UK but am in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Thanks for reading. Any advice or experience greatly appreciated.