Dear PAS group (I am new here)
I am due to finish my 6 injection loading next week and an injection every 3 months thereafter, after being positive IF last month April22. The GP asked me for a 3 month blood test.
One concern is that that B12/folate and full blood count test reading will be improved and the GP say you do not need injections - go on tablets. Despite being +IF as reading lots of posts indicates this outcome
1 should I have the blood test / do I need a blood test ? Note GP said they plan to extend more tests as my serum b12 was very low 57. Is it a good idea to have a 3 month blood test anyway as it shows progress and severity of my absorption rate ?
2 I am a Thalassaemia carrier, have small blood cells / slightly anaemic as a result, and is at odds with +IF that causes large blood cells so my RBC haemoglobin level is lower than the low range is there a link or any studies between the two diseases (+IF, low B12, thalassaemia carrier) ? And any documented data ?
3 do lozenges b12 under the tongue really work ? I’ve read lots but inconclusive. I’m planning to take lozenges or spray following the blood test ? To stabilise the 3 monthly injections ?
4. I’m a runner and love training but obviously cannot do this since going downhill quickly and also picked up inflammation and injury on my Achilles heel. Has anyone with PA been able to control B12 PA and healthy exercise regime? Any research or posts to aid me?
5 what depletes b12 . Gas and air on operations. What about exercise ? Anything else and why ?
Appreciate any help and I know these are a lot of questions about patient health - I’m reading lots of books and research articles but many questions remain for me.
Kind regards