good evening, I hope everyone is doing well
I am wondering about the link between B12 deficiency and IBS. I have been getting bi weekly injections for almost 2.5 years now. Doing fairly well and the vast majority of my symptoms and nerve issues have subsided. I have no tested positive for PA but I suspect it since my family has many people with celiac and my mother is also low B12 and receives injections. I am having issues with what I think is IBS. This has been ongoing for awhile but something that does not seem to want to subside. It is not a constant, it is something that defiantly flares up on me. I can go 2 months and feel fine and then all of a sudden it’s like my digestive system just freaks out for a period of time (can last from a week to several weeks). I can’t not figure out what brings it on. Symptoms consist of, bloated belly, diarrhea/constipation, lower back pain, gas, and just general feeling of unwell. Could there be a link to my B12 issues. I have had a CT scan of my abdomen to check for anything concerning and JT came back fine. My doc has offered a colonoscopy and endoscopy but I don’t know if that is necessary or not.
Thanks as always!!!