Have very low b12 and iron. Had three injections of b12 and still don’t feel any better? Schedule is for 5 more shots then recheck levels. Taking iron supplements for 5 weeks now also. Thanks
Why don’t I notice an increase in ene... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Why don’t I notice an increase in energy? Have had three b12 injections.

It will take a while before you notice the difference, there is no quick fix with low b12. Hang in there
my b12 was 190 before any injections. i was practically bed ridden.
Had heart palpitations, high resting heart rate, shortness of breath, upper and lower back pain, and many more things.
Basically I asked the same question when i was in your shoes because I was feeling so bad and normally am very ambitious.
It took about a year of daily injections before I started getting real energy.
It takes your body 4 years at a min to deplete the stores in the liver, and during that time so many things were deprived because b12 is responsible for cell generation. This is why all the symptoms occur (back pain, brain fog, numbness in hands and feet, fatigue, etc)
as it took a long time to deplete and finally get diagnosed, it will take a long time to heal.
As a warning, you will experience the "getting worse before it gets better" phenomenon about 2 months into frequent injections. For me this felt like pain all over all the way to the bone. That lasted a month. I would pace in pain. But this happens because all the nerve cells that were damaged or not regenerating, were now all regenerating all at once. It's ephemeral and well worth it to continue treatment.
Also get tested for other things that can make you tired such as vitamin D, folate. Seems you already have the iron tested. (and my that can make you tired too!).
What was your b12 level before any injections?
Thank you for the reply, It was 188 Before starting injections. Have 5 more injections to get and they want to recheck the levels.
Pointless checking the levels, you will have high false positive levels for four months after last injection.
I really wish people would read up and research. Once you start injecting no point really looking at levels of b12. Unless you stop for 4 months, but why would you as that will mean damage? Treat symptoms not the levels.
PhilAB is 1000% correct. It is pointless to check for levels. The injections skew the serum b12 results. Thus it's best to just inject daily (if using cyanocobalamin) or every other day (EOD) if using hydroxocobalamin (mostly used in europe). So you go by symptoms.
It took a long time to get depeleted like you are, thus it will take a long time to get back to normal and heal. (2 years), but you will feel soooooooo much better!!!!!
Be sure to have your liver and kidney function tested if you haven't already. THE ONLY time that b12 can be toxic is if you have EXISTING liver or kidney function issues. however, if you don't , it WONT cause liver or kidney problems and no matter how much you inject it is NOT toxic. there are people here who have been injecting for decades.
Inject frequently and don't let anyone convince you to space it out.
This article lists the common misconceptions of b12 deficiency. It is rare to find any doc in the US or UK that understands b12 deficiency or even understands the criticality of b12.
then this web site: pernicious-anaemia-society....
and this one:stichtingb12tekort.nl/engli...
Get them to teach you how to self inject. You don't have to tell them you want to inject daily, but if you can get them to teach you, then you can buy the supplies and do it yourself.
Sleepybunny has good links too!
hang in there, the injections will help!!!
I have read that B12 works with B9/Folate in the body in a special way. Are you also supplementing B9/Folate/Folic Acid or taking a good B Complex ?
Shes taking iron supplements and she started on a multivitamin. But no folic acid. Was going to mention this to the doctor in a few weeks on the next appointment. Don’t know why they didn’t put her on folic acid?
Depends on how long deficient, as well as other vital vitamins and mineral levels. In addition age, general health, and what other things you are doing alongside b12.
I went strictly organic, avoided gluten, only drank water that had been reversed osmosis, removed sugar from my diet. I injected methyl and hydro each day, heavy metal detox, parasitic cleanse, took the best supplements I could. Avoided alcohol completely, avoided vaccines, understood we have natural things in nature that can cure us. I cannot list all the things I have done too be honest.
And this took two years to really make a difference. But Jesus the physical improvements for me are off the chart. I went from not being able to play three holes at golf to carrying a full set over 18 holes in this heat, walking the dog miles after playing golf for 5 hours, lifting heavy things for hours - all in the same day.
I don’t ache anymore and heal like I am 16 again.
This is no short fix, and if people really want to heal them they should be doing everything they can. Expecting a few jabs to heal them after potentially years of deficiency and being poisoned by food, water and air is a little perplexing to me. Research what is in everyday food and tap water and you may realise what I am saying.
I spent the last three years learning everything I can about nutrition and medicine. I have three masters (psychology, research, education) and I am a research specialist, so it suits my nature.
Neurological damage takes at least two years to repair. No idea what damage you have, but most of us are in this for the long haul.
P.s being injecting for three years
dido , in that it took 2 years and on the alcohol, avoiding sugar; however, i didn't do anything else. Just frequent injections. b multivitamin. took care of myself really. had to really reduce my lifestyle to just the absolute bare minimum and wait it out. had to work of course, but man I would have to take a rest for 2 hours in the middle. thanks to working from home i could do that.
I agree with Penni, it does take time, perhaps several days.
I have 8 week jabs and prior to that start to 'go downhill' then after my injection I don't dance out of the Doctors surgery because my 'fix' , I know, is a slow burner. I ease into myself after a few days until the next 'fix' is due.
You said the plan was to recheck levels. There is no point in doing this and doctors will often stop injections once in or over range whereas you will need them for life. The Nice guidence if for injections every other day until no more improvement and for bloods not to be retested.
Seconding this - be very careful because news alert there are a ton of doctors who erroneously believe that 'normal range all good'. It does not work that way unless you were low for dietary reasons ( non- supplementing vegetarian/vegan/eating disorder).
Most are low due to absorption issues. Unless that absorption issue is something that can be fixed, it is not 'in range' all good! It is b12 supplementation for life.
So watch out for poorly trained doctors.
Some concise links on this issue at hand, that contain footnotes to medical journals -
All the best to you 84withb12d
(As for your other question - I had about 32 symptoms and was practically bedridden at 103; 80% of those symptoms went within loading doses or the first two to three months. Some virtually went poof instantly after having the symptom for years. Fatigue was not one of them. Some others have taken years. And one is frustrating as .....well....)
Check your vitamin d if you have not done that already. Mine was 7.6 (19) at the same time.
well said Litatamon!!!! they try and tell you that you should just take oral b12 after a few doses. it's BS. I got them to keep me on the injections by asking them to explain how I am a voracious meat eater (100g per day min) and took 100 mg of B12 orally and still became deficient over 4 years ending up at 190. This alone told me I have an absorbtion problem. They just really don't have tests to figure out why as b12 metabolism is so complex, with so many pieces and organs and proteins coming into play.
Many months to years depending on damage and how often you inject. I know people who get an occasional B12 injection at a salon for the very reason to give them an energy boost. I personally have NEVER felt an energy boost after an injection and I've been injecting for 2 bit over three years now.
I concur 100% with PhilAB's post here. One of the biggest things you can do to heal yourself and tame your immune system is to reduce inflammation. That's what PhilAB is doing and I included by eliminating highly sensitive foods gluten, dairy, sugar are the big three. Then I also eliminated caffeine and alcohol.
My serum B12 was extremely low at 70 pg/mL when I was diagnosed and I was really bedridden, the entire right side of my body went completely numb, I could not walk, had trouble talking etc. It took me ~eight months or so before I notice improvements so it's a long haul for your body to recover. I was up to hiking 15 miles in the local mountains at year three so doing pretty good. Then I recently got whacked with iron deficiency (keep an eye on that...read my post "Iron Deficiency Without Anemia (IDWA)"
Those with PA (the autoimmune PA/AIG) should have checked these things that can cause low energy/chronic fatigue.
1. Thyroid autoantibodies, another simple blood test but Hypothyroid AKA Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Roughly 40% of those with PA will have Hash.
2. Serum Ferritin. Another simple blood test. For those with PA/AIG it should be above 100 ng/mL. Normal range is 30 - 400 ng/mL. (again read my post on Iron Deficiency Without Anemia).
3. Sensitivity to known inflammatory foods the big ones are gluten, dairy, sugar. Any chronic inflammation causes your body's immune system to constantly react. This was a hard one for me as I love bread and hate gluten free bread it just does not have that same taste so I've basically just cut out my beloved bread and that was a terrible divorce! I loved milk and ice cream but no more just send them on there way.
4. Serum Gastrin. Another simple blood test. High levels of Gastrin for those with Autoimmune Gastritis/PA indicate low/no stomach acid. I personally had my stomach PH tested during one of my endoscopies (or Gastroscopy as they call it in UK) and it showed I had zero stomach acid. Low/no stomach acid causes nutrient malabsorption issues and thus results in low energy/fatigue. If you serum Gastrin is high then you may want to consult your GP and start taking a Betaine HCL and digestive enzyme supplement. I take both before each meal and it was a significant improvement.
I'm sure I've left something out. But the theme here is it "Ain't Just B12". Your enemy to healing and eliminating fatigue is chronic inflammation. Try and reduce this everywhere you can and my guess is you'll see some improvement.
We are all different and our body's react differently with different treatments so give it time as it is a rather slow porcess.
Sorry for rambling, hope this helps.
Loved your post Rexz. Thank you for it. It is very informative, even years in.
Great post Rexz. Great to hear how well you healed, sorry about setback. But, it seems you know what you are doing so you will only get better.
Rexz. I learned from you. I will watch my iron and ferritin and read those articles you posted. I thought i was in the clear there, but one never knows. My mom has iron deficiency and b12 deficiency.
My level was at 97 when I got my 6 loading doses over 2 weeks in 2019. My Vit D level was at 17 and at times I thought I would die before diagnosis...anyway I would say months to a year before I started to feel alive properly. I now self inject every 3 weeks and I am so so much better.
Did he eventually improve? or are you saying it didn't help.
Hello. 3 shots or 5 shots or 8 shots are not going to do it. We have been def for a year now and have been getting shots for months. Just now beginning to feel slightly better. It takes from 6-132 months with shots as much as you can get. B12 supplements are great as well plus intrinsic factor to help absorb the B12. Research about B12 def is your best friend. Good luck