Constantly high white blood cells and... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Constantly high white blood cells and raised CRP

Steph0077 profile image
4 Replies

hi everyone,

please could someone help me with this question, I have for the past year have had raised white blood cell count ranging from 11-19 cut off labs are 4.5-10 also raised CRP 18-25 cut off lab 0-9,

They now never come down to the normal range and I’m feeling pretty poorly constantly, I have a discussion with GP today (who still won’t treat b12 or folate deficiency) and they have said the white blood cell and raised inflammation (CRP) is normal for me which it absolutely is not, not until this year anyway, I personally do not think it is ok to just ignore this and I am worried, I’m not sure if white cells and CRP fluctuate in PA or B12 deficiency? I’m having serious neurological problems after a possible brain bleed 2wks ago which the GP said this evening we will never know if I had a small brain bleed or not as the hospital failed to do lumber puncture at the time, which again is quite concerning.

I have said that I want a full copy of all my blood tests so I can seek a second opinion from a neurologist given my circumstances and what’s happened, the GP requested that she help me choose one locally as I will need a referral letter from her, I don’t want to see one locally (I live in a small town where all the doctors here know each other and stick together) I want an appointment that is not presenting a possible conflict of interests and where my GP is not involved.

I know not all private appointments need a referral from your GP, I have found a neurologist 70 miles away who looks very good, I’m a feeling little controlled and suspicious of my GPs intentions especially as she knows I have raised a complaint with the hospital reguarding the possible brain bleed and lack of investigation of this plus the day this happened they cocked up a CT angiogram giving me two lots of iodine and other drugs that shouldn’t of, leading me to being admitted to hospital the same day because of this, so it’s all a bit difficult,

any advice welcome

thanks in advance

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4 Replies
NisajuBlue profile image

First of all I am so sorry for all you’re going through and also that I will not be any help to your actual question. I hope you get answers and help soon and am sure there are excellent people on here who will be able to guide you.

Also I apologise in advance that this will likely be quite a long post but your post could’ve been written by me!

I have had serious health issues going on for the last 19 years since I had my last baby at 27, 19 years ago to the day actually!! I kept bleeding heavily for months after, sorry for the graphics which ended in me having to have a full hysterectomy at age 30 which then lead onto extreme adhesions and pain. I had to give up my job with the Police and was put on daily morphine as well as other very strong drugs. Luckily my Husband is an absolute Angel but I feel so guilty for all, he and our 3 children have dealt with along with me these last almost 2 decades!

About 10 years ago I was admitted to hospital as I was in horrendous abdominal pain and a young Dr came running in saying I had white bloods that “were off the charts” and ran back out saying she was away to get her colleague. I said to my Husband, “well, that can’t be good!” We were already pretty disillusioned after many errors, too many to go into but I hate to complain and especially about our beloved NHS as I had been brought up to respect and admire it and feel so lucky to have it. I still do believe in the concept of it but know there are many issues needing fixed. There were many years of being just speechless at all the errors and ways I was treated or actually mistreated, if these calamity of errors had happened to anyone else I would never have accepted it but cos it was ONLY me, I always did! Long story short they checked me for many scary things and then said my elevated white blood cells must just be my “normal” as they couldn’t find anything. I said I had been admitted many times to the hospital and had never been told this but they more or less said (2 different Drs) that they were the Drs and I was not and to be quiet!!

I had been told before that that I had TIA’s on occasion, once was told I had had a stroke and then that I hadn’t and was sent home to be called back in urgently 2 years later and told I had indeed had a stroke!!

All these times in hospital I have always given my full family medical history and stated my Paternal Grandmother had Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pernicious Anaemia, even stated in the early days she was made to eat raw lived several times a day etc!!

Fast forward the last few years where my health has severely declined, nosedived to the point I miss whole seasons because I am confined to my bed and even going to the bathroom takes such effort! I have always considered myself something of a wordsmith and love words and their origin, earlier this year I wouldn’t even have remembered that and could barely speak, kept having falls, had pins and needles in my feet, hands, lower legs and arms etc. A Locum Dr at my local practice did some bloods and said she had a suspicion what was going on but would discuss with me at my next appointment when I returned to get blood results. Well, she diagnosed me with B12 Deficiency, Pernicious Anaemia, said my Red Blood Cells were huge and mis-shapen and also said my Follate was very low so would get started on that after my Loading Doses of B12. I had already been on high levels of Vitamin D for years after being told I had none in my body??!! She stated I would have to have treatment for life and was apologetic that the policy at the moment here in Scotland may not be enough to help me with as much B12 as I likely needed as she thought this has probably been the real issue with me for a very long time and she was the one who directed me to PAS and this forum for which I am truly grateful to her and to all of you who have and I don’t say this lightly or with any drama but have saved my life! I now have B12 injections every other day and have done the last 2 months, administered by my Daughter or Husband and finally see a wee bit light at the end of the tunnel! It’s a slow process and I know there’s a lot of damage to try and heal and I am trying to be patient with myself when I still get very bad days but there is finally hope!!

Incidentally on 1st May2022, I all of a sudden had a feeling like my skull was being crushed, it didn’t let up and I thought I was dying, my Husband came home from work and called an Ambulance who took me straight to our local hospital. There I had 2 CT scans, many blood tests and 3 Lumbar Punctures which the young Dr who had a mentor with her and was struggling…I have had several LP’s before and they took minutes, this took over 3 hours and for the last 2 hours I was hunched over a table on wheels holding it with my feet and hands to keep it still and when I told them my right side was pretty weak these days and I was struggling a bit the elder male Dr said “well you better hope you don’t move when she has this big needle in your back” I mean who talks like that?? Anyway, they said I had probably had a brain bleed or an Aneurysm! I said my Paternal Grandad passed away from a brain aneurysm and the Dr said “oh well, let’s just call it a brain bleed then!” and sent me home saying it could happen again or may never happen again!! Whilst there every Nurse and Dr I told I had PA to said they didn’t know much about it!!

Once again, I apologise for hijacking your post with this long story but I just want to wish you all the very best and thank all the members of this forum again for all their invaluable help, wisdom and understanding. I have no idea why the NHS doesn’t want to help us more or is it they perhaps know B12 is the so amazing that it can fix a myriad of issues they don’t want fixed??!! Who knows but thanks to one fantastic Locum GP and your good selves, I’ve taken back control of my health and recovery and it feels wonderful! 😊

in reply to NisajuBlue

NisajuBlue, We can relate to everything you are saying, you are by no means alone.

Steph0007 ,

🙏🙏 you get the treatment soon.

Steph0077 profile image
Steph0077 in reply to

Thanks Sallyann me too 🙏❤️Hope things are improving your end any updates on your hubby yet? Xx

in reply to Steph0077

One significant thing that happened was the Specialist obviously had read the printout of Tracey Witty Folly Lane that was left, I assume he must of looked at NICE guidelines because he asked him if he is injecting weekly (earlier he seemed quite concerned about injecting too much). He had Steriod Injection yesterday, afterwards I gave him one B12 and then another before bedtime. He felt like he was in sauna during the night. Today he had MRI Scans, which seemed to cause a lot of nerve pain. After the person said hopefully you'll be alright. (What they saw I dont know) Awaiting for appointment in two weeks. Had B12 again today

It has triggered more nerve pain, just might be nerves regenerating I don't really know.

I injected more than normal as steriods deplete B12.

I really do not understand why the NHS are so ignorant and cause such suffering. We are reading everyday more and more cases, why! How many more people are they going to inflict pain on.

Hubby said yesterday he'd like to tie cowboy hats

Along the railings at the surgery.

Steph there is only one way and thats self injecting.

Take care, sending hugs

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