Can b12 be high in blood but still be deficient in cells? I was given b12 injections in 2015 by gp but no further testing was done to see if I was deficient or had pa. I did not like the way they did not last and started taking 1000 sublingual daily which have kept all my symptoms away. 2months ago I started getting nerve pain in my ankles going up to my knees and prickly feeling in my feet and gp diagnosed tarsel tunnel syndrome. When the same thing started in my wrists and hands I had a medichecks blood test done. My results were;
B12……..190……..range 25 to 165
Folate…..7.9..range above 2.9 which is halfway on the slider graph.
I have stopped the b12 for now, but am I wrong in thinking too much is better than not enough and is there another blood test to see if it’s getting into the cells?
I do have a gene problem that gives me high homocysteine but the b12 is working on that.