Boiling hot: Does PA cause overheating... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Boiling hot

pramela profile image
15 Replies

Does PA cause overheating (I have been on HRT but doctor just stopped it no questions asked just stopped it!) but I am so hot all over my body is running with sweat nearly all the time, even sitting makes me sweat, lying in bed makes me sweat. Any exersion and I'm sweating. I stopped the HRT as an experiment but over heating/sweating didn't stop hence I think him giving him another excuse to stop HRT.

Just had a blood test and my level is around 1300 (last blood test in 2017 it was around the 2000 level and no over heating. Could it be that my level is too low? I do have injections administered by my husband but my memory is so bad I forget to have them for days/weeks at a time. I know I should schedule them but my memory is so bad (also his). I get them every 6 weeks at surgery.

As this site has so many wonderful and informative people on it I was hoping that some one give me some advice or help? 🥵

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pramela profile image
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15 Replies
charks profile image

I'm on HRT but I still occasionally get hot flushes. Not as many as before HRT. I lie to my GP and say they're gone to make sure he doesn't have an excuse to stop my HRT. I had such a struggle to get him to agree to it. Why are GP's so against it. I have done loads of research on it and the general consensus is it that it is beneficial.

My partner went through a form of male menopause. As soon as he mentioned it to the GP he got offered HRT. And there are serious proven issues with male HRT - it can causes an enlarged prostate. Which happened to him. And his HRT didn't stop his hot flushes.

Sorry to go on but I get just as annoyed with the HRT situation as with B12. Ill infomed GP's withholding treatment based on incorrect/out of date information.

Anyway the other main cause of hot flushes is high blood sugar. Maybe you are eating too many sugary things? Or even too many carbs. The body breaks carbs down into sugar. I think this is the reason for my hot flushes. I love my savoury snacks.

pramela profile image
pramela in reply to charks

I have put on a lot of weight during Chocdown! but this started before its driving me nuts! But doctor is hopeless I have to take my husband in with me at every appointment as he doesn't listen to me at all.

I have a lovely nurse who injects me and I've had a word with her while in tears about his treatment of me, so have made an appointment with him as he hadn't got back to me about the blood tests (what is wrong with these people?). So hopefully I might get an answer.

He wants me to loose weight and exercise (?) but I am in no mood to diet and I don't loose weight as the last 3 times I attended slimming classes, I loose about 4 pounds then stick there - it is very disheartening but he won't listen. As for exercise I have no energy. I seem to be getting worse not better. I also had to give up work because of my fatigue episodes and I worked in an office. Haven't worked since 2007 - 3 years after this was diagnosed (a year after they found enlarged red blood cells in a blood test).

I have been a on anti depressants for years (it's a family thing my father was a manic depressive but never sought help). If I don't take them I'm like syco bitch from hell, it's like having pmt all over again if I don't take them and boy did I suffer from the pmt!

charks profile image
charks in reply to pramela

My mum was a manic depressive. But it could have been a symptom of B12D. She had other symptoms as well, tingling legs etc. My grandmother and her aunt also had major depression. So I think they all may have had PA. My sister had many miscarriages and a pregancy which had to be terminated as the baby had no brain ( Neural Tube Defect). So I think B12D runs in our family.

Before I found out I had PA I was also overweight and couldn't be bothered to exercise. I was also 'the bitch from hell'. B12 made all the difference for me. I got back energy which spurred me into starting exercising and I lost lots of weight by cutting out gluten, dairy, sugar and processed foods. I love chocolate but I haven't had any for over two years. I now have a BMI of 18.6. I think you need more B12 to be able to start functioning properly.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to pramela

Just so you are aware a BMI of 18-19 is actually underweight .

Just aim to stop the vicious circle of fatigue v food v exercise.

With 'hormones' thrown in very difficult.

Perhaps just concentrate on portion size. .

I became much more aware as have to weigh carbohydrates for my husband so he knows how much insulin to inject .

Hope you find a way

Marymary7 profile image

Has your thyroid been checked. If it’s overactive that makes you hot and sweaty.

pramela profile image
pramela in reply to Marymary7

Yes and doctor says nothing there. But I had a Hyperparathyroid tumour on one of my parathyroid glands (a large one) and in one of the scans I was told I had a lot of nodes on my thyroid gland. But apparently this doesn't compute with doctor.

EllaNore profile image

That is soooo miserable!! I feel for you. There is a Wilson's disease that with thyroid treatment can sometimes correct sweating and temps by resetting it.

I have a long history of not being able to regulate my temps and sweating. I had a hysterectomy at about 25 years old (now 60) and never took replacement therapy, because before that, I was put on a controversial, and not yet FFA approved, hormone blocker to put me into synthetic menopause to try to help with endometriosis. That caused me a lot of problems!! Life long problems, I have extensive reason to believe it is why I have PA today. Diagnosed 4 months ago after 37 years. So I struggled with sweating and very low temps and low blood pressure too. (now too high). My temp is normally 96.1 but last week was as low as 95.1, and sweating profusely. B12 is helping that.

Years ago, They thought possibly I had Wilson's syndrome so they gave me thyroid meds to reboot my system and get everything regulated. It did not work. Because I didn't have Wilson's. It may have worked if that had been my issue.

This all leads me to believe now, that it has been PA and the hormone blocker, all along that made my menopause so much more difficult. Sooooooo, I tend to believe, in my case anyway, that what should be mild to moderate and irritating sweating is made much worse with PA on top of it. You say you sweat with little exertion. That sounds more PA to me. They are so similar it is hard to say. Do you pant and breath hard with little exertion while also sweating?

I am not a doctor, and this is just an experienced assumption, If you are not getting injections regularly, and you forget to take them, it could confuse your body with the rollercoaster ride. It could also perhaps mean that you need to increase your injections. I have to inject every day. 6 weeks would be devastating for me to go that long. I am thinking that if you were to take your B12 regularly, you could see a decrease in the amount you sweat or perhaps better regulate it. Mine has gotten better now that I am medicating myself properly.

Also, I don't want to scare you, but PA is deadly if not treated correctly, it leads to dementia, alzheimers and stomach cancer to name just 3 of the many devastating things it does to you over time, death being the end result if not treated. It is truly the one thing you should not mess around with. HRT for me, if you had a hysto at a young age, I can see replacing it, but after natural Menopause, I think our bodies are not meant to be changed like that. Natural menopause symptoms do diminish over time and there are other things you can do for any dryness. But everyone is different!! Some people may really need it. It really depends on why you are taking them. There could be some medical reasons people have to take HRT. In my experience with hormones, I feel we go into menopause naturally and our bodies are being forced to do the opposite with HRT. I don't know what kind of problems that would cause, but I know what happened to me. We are trying to tell our bodies not to do what it is supposed to do. whether giving hormones after menopause or blocking them, that is serious woman stuff. Trying to trick mother nature.... I don't think she likes that.

So I think perhaps, if you are going to stay on HRT, you should take your B12 very regularly and see if that helps you. I would take B12 before I took anything else. But please, for your sake, please take your B12 above all else. Hugs

EllaNore profile image

P.S. Your memory could improve as well with the correct dose of B12. Mine is. The longer it goes untreated though the less chance of reversal.

Sunshine1932 profile image


My message is nowhere near as informative as others but I have been experiencing the same since last year and it's horrible. The only difference for me is that I cannot sweat. I overheat so easily and not a chance to sit in the sun. A cold bath seems to help me.

Dr said it could by my thyroid so checking it again in 4 weeks. Also being checked for MS as I have other symptoms.

I was taken off amitriptyline as not regulating and not sweating is a symptom. I'm also on a antipsychotic used as a mood stabiliser so we have reduced that down to the bare minimum as that too can cause the body not to regulate. In fact the more I read the more I found that the majority of antidepressants can cause you to over heat.

I'm 42 so not quite at the menopause age if there is such a thing and friends have said my description is nothing like a hot flush.

I self inject about 3 times a week or more if I'm really exhausted.

To be honest I never can tell where my symptoms come from but I do know that before I took b12 I was very sick indeed so I will never stop taking them.

So easy to be complacent in the beginning about taking b12 injections because I was so used to the pain and symptoms that I didn't realise I could improve. But this site taught me otherwise and that was to keep on top of your B12 no matter what.

My gut tells me that b12 is responsible for so many things. Why else would it be added to grain fed animals and cereals to name a few. All the things people eat lots off.

B12 must have come from the land at one point but I believe we have destroyed the soils so much that we now have it artificially. Just a belief and thought.

Sleepybunny profile image
Sleepybunny in reply to Sunshine1932

"I'm 42 so not quite at the menopause age"

Have your GPs tested your hormone levels to exclude the possibility of an early menopause?

Sunshine1932 profile image
Sunshine1932 in reply to Sleepybunny


They have not tested my hormone levels or even mentioned it to me.

I guess I can ask them though so thank you. 😊

Sleepybunny profile image
Sleepybunny in reply to Sunshine1932

NHS link Early Menopause

NICE guidelines Menopause (mentions early menopause)

There are new NICE guidelines on Menopause in development.

Due to be published 2023.

There are likely to be local guidelines on menopause and relevant referrals.

See ICB or Health Board clinical guidelines.

Sunshine1932 profile image
Sunshine1932 in reply to Sleepybunny

Brilliant thank you

Berniebelle profile image

Oh wow I can’t believe your HRT was stopped. You cant just stop HRT you would need to slowly wean off it. I don’t know why some doctors fuss about HRT as the hormones in the birth control pill are so much stronger than HRT.

Dragonfly1962 profile image

My doc just stopped my hrt as well, said I was now 60 and at greater risk of stroke, heart attacks etc if I stayed on. I went about 4 weeks ok then the sweats, moodiness and lack of sleep came back along with other symptoms. I did lots of research, exaggerated some symptoms and said it was affecting my job (which to be honest it was) and told her which ones I would be ok taking. After making me take my blood pressure for a week as that was slightly high before she gave me what I asked for. I was on kilofem tablets now on conti everol patches twice a week change. I didn’t fancy the gel rub with progesterone tablets, so try going back with your own research there are loads of web sites with info .

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