Further frustrations with NHS - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Further frustrations with NHS

Jwal90 profile image
24 Replies

I wrote some time ago about a borderline low B12 test and had some very helpful feedback from this group.

It was agreed that the best course of action would be to have MMA tested and I have managed to convince my doctor to do this, Levels were "normal" - 0.09 (range is 0 - 0.29).

I also had homocysteine levels tested which came back at 6.9 (range 3.7 - 13.9). As well as a Liver Autoantibody Profile which all came back negative.

This seems to confirm that I don't have Pernicious Anaemia like my Mum and Grandfather but still doesn't explain why my B12 levels are borderline (311 ng/L) and my folate is elevated (20.5 ug/L)

The only think I can think of is that my IBS is preventing me from absorbing minerals properly, as I have had zinc tested before as well and this also came in low.

Of course, the NHS will not treat the B12 deficiency and I feel like I have done all due diligence. Am I right in saying the best next step will be to seek private treatment or self-treat?

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Jwal90 profile image
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24 Replies

Do you mean going Private to get B12 Injections or going private for advice ?Going private is no guarantee you will get better results, as most people here will tell you B12 is so misunderstood by the medical profession (NHS or Private).

The only thing I can say with confidence, is that I have had nearly 100 injections in 18 Months and near on back to normal.

Jwal90 profile image
Jwal90 in reply to

Sorry, probably should have clarified, I meant going private for injections. There is a company that come to your house to do injections and I will eventually do these myself if I feel any benefit.

That's a lot of injections! Have you felt improvement in your symptoms?

in reply to Jwal90

Yes the improvements are like chalk and cheese.

If you can imagine sitting in a chair all day not being able to do anything other than having pain medication, (existing) to be able to have a NORMAL life.

Please dont think I am being rude when I say the choice is yours, the only advise (not being medically trained) I can give you is

1. Make sure the people coming to you home have experience .... ie not charlatans out to make money, but with medical knowledge just in case of adverse reactions.

2. I also recommended having a banana as in the first few weeks can affect other vitamins and minerals.

3. I dont know if you have tried B12 tablets or Lozengers, they work for some people. Do you eat meat etc ? If you are vegan for example

Then tablets might be a way forward.

I hope you find what suits you best.

Jwal90 profile image
Jwal90 in reply to

Glad to hear it's really helping you. It's odd as my fatigue is intermittent but it's frustrating because I'll have lots of energy occasionally and make grand plans then the following day I could sleep standing up and can't get anything done. In particularly affects my job as I work in sales.

I will take your advice on the fruit, thank you.

I have tried other methods of B12 but don't feel like they made a huge difference. Even paid for a methylated drop type but didn't notice any significant improvements.

in reply to Jwal90

As you have tried all other avenues in trying to address low B12 in your position I personally would try Injections.

As I said make sure the person administering the first dose has experience.

The only other suggestion is have the injection at a time when you are not working. My other half slept for three days waking up for food etc.,

Another person could go hyper. It is very difficult in predicting ones response. Another reaction could be you feel worse before feeling better.

Let's us know how it goes.

Jwal90 profile image
Jwal90 in reply to

Thanks for the advice. I do feel like I haven't got anything else to try and given that it's not toxic, I see no harm in trying.

I've actually managed to get my first injection booked in this afternoon and I am going back to work tomorrow so hopefully I don't react badly.

in reply to Jwal90

Goodluck 💉💉👍

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Jwal90

Hope it goes well.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to

Thats good to hear .

I've had over double that amount but am still making improvements.

Will add on no other medication to cloud the picture as so often ban happen.

I've refused 9 drugs now

I'm all for medications but after trailing 2 and a big set back.


Also took a long time to convince them I never have been depressed.

How can we collate all of our evidence through PAS to theses doctors. ??

in reply to Nackapan

"How can we collate all of our evidence through PAS to these doctors"

🤔 impossible, unless you have a MRI scan that has destroyed your spine and nerves around it, and then they probably blame ageing !!

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to

Must not give up though.When I had a 'sit in'

After a b12 injection refused

I felt a very small token for every 'aging woman ' not being listened to and fobbed off

The receptionists still think im a hydrochondriac

The kindest humouring me.

They are all women.

Shame on them.

ForViolet profile image
ForViolet in reply to Nackapan

You had a sit in? Did you sit there for long? Seems very gutsy.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to ForViolet

I was very ill . Had paid for a taxi to get there.I eas not leaving without a b12 injection.

A nurse refused it as not 12 weeks.

5 weeks !

They let me book it ??

So I sat asked to speak to the Practice manager after speaking to a doctor not possible

No idea how long I was there.

Was a long time.

Couldnt move anyhow for a while.

I wasn't rude .


Giving no reason to chuck me out.

Desperate for help.

Having heard my name and seeing an open door.

Deep brimmed hat on as so light sensitive.

Blazingly walked in.

It was a doctors room. Ha

The voice was the practice Manager I stili haven't met.

She must've called ftom behind me?

Thd G.p witnessed me staggering bouncing off walls .

Then realised wasn't the 'next patient

But heard me out.

Got the b12 injection from grumpy nurse.

Also the Gp put me back on every other day !!

ForViolet profile image
ForViolet in reply to Nackapan

Oh, I'm just imagining all this. It worked so perfectly with you being calm and persistent. The power plays of the nurse are so weirdly inappropriate, but you still got your goals. Thank you so much for explaining because it just may help when I meet those situations.

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to

If it takes long enough to have all else eliminated, yes, they can then call it part of the ageing process: achloridria (tick), raised MMA (tick), aching joints (tick)....

in reply to Cherylclaire

Reading an old post of yours, back pain, I notice you mention flu jab. Did you have any reaction afterwards ?

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to

Flu jab ? I don't believe I've ever had one, Hidden . Sure it was me ?Back pain, yes. Funny - I have just replied to someone who answered a 6-yr old post of mine about back pain/bursitis.

in reply to Cherylclaire

Did you not mention flu jab on further posts, I have just liked your post

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to

Yes - I mentioned flu jabs as a possible reason why I was getting 2 B12 injections a week from nurses and not the 3 B12 injections a week that my GP asked for !I meant that they were probably tied up what with all the flu jabs.

It 's also why, when I did start self injecting, I decided to start with every other day injections. At two NHS injections a week, I was seeing noticeable improvements and so was my GP, but I started to get worse again after six months. Disappointingly, it didn't last. It was always the intention that, once no more improvement could be gained, my maintenance dose would be 1 injection a month. I wasn't expecting that deterioration would be the catalyst though. Nothing there that I wanted to maintain.

At this stage, it is understandable that my GP would want the intervention of secondary care. In this case, haematologists. One of whom was convinced that B12 is highly addictive. Deary me, appointment wasn't going quite as intended !

So no - no flu jabs for me. Hope you still liked my old post though !

in reply to Cherylclaire

Yes, I read it thinking you had flu injection !Sorry to bother you .

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to

No bother at all - nice talking to you and sorry I couldn't help !

Coppernob profile image

I would've said your MMA levels at 0.09 are very borderline, because they're barely within the 'normal' range.

Sleepybunny profile image

Have you had your gastrin levels tested and a pepsinogen test as these may be useful in diagnosis of PA.

Link about testing for PA


Link about gastrin test


If you were supplementing B12 at the time of MMA test and homocysteine test this may have influenced the result.

Sleepybunny profile image
Sleepybunny in reply to Sleepybunny

UK guidance on B12 deficiency suggests that people who are symptomatic for B12 deficiency should be treated even if serum (total) B12 is within normal range.

Symptoms of B12 Deficiency (folate deficiency also mentioned)




b12-institute.nl/en/symptom... (B12 Institute Netherlands)

Links to forum threads where I left detailed replies with lots of B12 deficiency info eg causes and symptoms, UK B12 documents, B12 books, B12 websites and B12 articles and a few hints on dealing with unhelpful GPs.

Some links may have details that could be upsetting.

Some of the info will be specific to UK.




I am not medically trained.

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