Hi all, Thank you for creating such an informative and supporting PA community here! I wonder if anyone can weigh in on my scenario please. I’m new here so apologise for long initial post....
I haven’t been officially diagnosed with PA yet as my GP thinks my B12 levels are ok (500)- but this is based solely on a full blood count test so I don’t know if it takes into account inactive b12....she has me on iron supplements for anemia to see if my iron levels rise (currently 9?) Having done my own research, my accumulative symptoms are exactly those of PA. It was actually a relieve to find a cause to it! I went back to the GP but she wasn’t interested....
My questions:
Too soon to SI? I guess if I begin self treating then the GP’s results (if more test are eventually done) would appear that I am well so I would be left without an official diagnosis or any of the NHS loading injections?
On the other hand, judging from most people’s experience, the NHS injections become secondary as clearly not enough and even borderline a nuisance... specially as we have to keep the self medication secret from GP. what (if any) are the benefits of having an official diagnosis from GP?
Is it worth getting private PA blood test done before I start treating myself? If so, What blood test should I ask for and if you can give any (not pricey) recommendations where to do it, I do so appreciated the help.
Finally, I read somewhere that you have to be taking some form of B12 some time before getting blood test to get a true picture of your body’s ability to absorb and maintain, is this true? If so at what quantity and for how long?
I am desperate to ease my symptoms so have the relevant German website ready to buy, but would love some guidance on the above mentioned first.
Thank you in advance!