syringe that cause less pain no matter what it costs? I say this because I have had some what of a needle phobia since childhood. I'm in the US but if anyone has a suggestion that causes less pain and less dreadful anticipation when it's time for my needed B12 injection . I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT. Thank you
Less pain: syringe that cause less pain... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Less pain
Have you tried subcutaneous b12 injections?
I use a 30G needle 1/2" long (27-30G)
A 2ml syringe compatible with brand of needle
For IM others use 23-25G 1"i believe
It's the needle rather than the syringe and relaxing when doing it.
My husband Squemish of needles and blood .
Nearly passed out first few he did.
Now injects x4 a day to stay well as diabetic.
Oh GOD bless him, I know how he feels. Thank you Nackapan I will certainly try. Take care. Best!
Look at the information on about an auto injector . It’s made by a Danish company . I don’t use one , but I’ve heard good reports on this forum . Best wishes .
Can confirm what Wedgewood writes - have been using this since the crisis of stopping B12 injections in March 2020 due to unscientific haematology advice re covid. It works! I am a dreadful feartie and IT WORKS!
Thanks for your post . It will help people trying to make up their minds about the auto-injector .
Wedgewood, I am so grateful to you for your advice about self-injecting. I went ahead with it and have been injecting 2 weekly since. I have now lost the brain fog and most other neurological symptoms that 8 weekly injections didn't come near - GP would not be negotiated with to get it lower than that. I now go to the surgery 8 weekly and happily inject betweentimes. (It keeps my prescription open, in case the govt decides - as was once threatened - to ban B12 acroos-counter imports from Europe.) Thank you! I owe you at least a G&T but here's an accolade to be getting on with - 🥂🥂🥂🌷🌷🌷
Thank you very much grauntieannie . You cannot imagine what pleasure it gives me to hear how you have helped yourself with injections . Well done . It’s not easy to take the first step . There’s nothing as precious as good health , and those B12 injections are giving you back that health . It’s just amazing isnt it ? I remember the hell I went through in 2015. How the medical professional can continue to be so ignorant regarding P.A. , I cannot imagine . Very best wishes .👍👍👍
Hi - my first injections included lidocaine. When I started self-injecting I has some issues with a burning sensation. I was able to order some ampules of lidocaine and now add that to my syringe. I now don’t feel a thing. If you’re getting an office injection, perhaps you can request it. Good luck.
Hello! I am also in the US. I use a BD insulin 1ml 25Gx1 inch to inject intramuscularly and it is very rare that I have any sort of discomfort from the needle itself. I use the same needle to draw up serum. I used to use a different one and changed needles before injecting but found it unnecessary as long as I’m careful drawing up serum in knowing where to insert needle—aim for the middle.
It is the serum that can be a little uncomfortable at times but I warm the serum-loaded needle in the crook of my arm before injecting since I refrigerate the hydroxocobalamin .
A couple of other things: I have found injections in the thigh more comfortable than the arm and cyanocobalamin more comfortable than hydroxo. However, I prefer to use hydroxo because it works best for me.
I hope this helps. Self-injection seems scary at first but it is empowering not to have to depend on someone else to access necessary medical care. Best of luck!