I have low b12 but normal CBC and Hemoglobin. Iron levels are normal. I'm waiting on the folate test. Does this mean I am not anemic?
Can you have anemia with normal CBC? - Pernicious Anaemi...
Can you have anemia with normal CBC?
Yes. We're ferritin levels done too? Part of the iron picture.
Discuss with your Gp
Anamia isnt always present with b12 deficiency
Hope you'd treatment will start.
B12 is treated first
Then folate if needed
Ard they doing a intrinsic factor antybody test for PA? It shows 50% of thises with Pernicioud anaemia
Which is an autoimmune condition.
Ferritin levels are normal. They have not tested for IF antibodies. However, can IF antibodies be tested once injections have started. I definitely see improvements with B12 injections and decline when I cease. But I'm not seeing enough of a resolution to believe b12 is the only issue. I feel like I need to rule out endocrine issues as well. Although my b12 level was 190 (US), not the lowest I've seen and the literature states the ranges are not really agreed upon and that low really is based on symptoms. I'm having my cortisol and TPO checked. I've also been having them check my blood (except for b12 due to active treatment) periodically to watch for any kind of trend, only because I seriously feel like death. The b12 keeps me rolling but at a minimum.
Thanks for the reply.
Sometimes nothing else is found .If yiu are getting improvements with b12 hopefully that will continue.
It just takes time to get as good as you can.
I F A blood test is done once on injections but I've learnt from here that depending on what sort they do different periods off b12 is recommended .
High levels of b12 in your blood xsn give a false positive as its not a definitive test
I haven't had it as not willing yo stop b12 injections for a result that may or may not be correct.
I wishbthed done it before my loadng doses.
I've still not been given a reason .
I have had things ruled out though.
Hope yiu start to feel better soon.
No. If you have a normal CBC then it's pretty sure you do not have "a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues" which is a definition of anaemia.
However, it is possible to have Pernicious Anaemia with a completely normal CBC. Because Pernicious Anaemia is a real misnomer. Most people who are being treated for Pernicious Anaemia will not be anaemic. But they can still have all the other problems associated with it.