Hey everybody,
So it's been 2 weeks since I was diagnosed with low B12 (159) and began supplementing B12 daily (my full story here: healthunlocked.com/pasoc/po...
In the last 2 weeks, I've had 10 B12 injections (5 methyl and 5 cyano) while simultaneously taking oral B12 (alternating between sublingual and pill with cyano, methyl, and methyl/adeno). I've felt some improvements. My wasted left leg has been gaining stability and strength, I've gained a small amount of weight, and the initial neuro issues I had when I started supplementing (pins and needles, confusion) have resolved. On the flip side, I feel like my digestion has gotten worse with the bloating and constipation. I'm planning on scaling back the injections starting this weekend to twice per week from every other day here shortly. I'm also going to stop the oral supps as I feel like crap after them (crawling skin, twitching, poor digestion) while I feel great after the injections.
I went to the hematologist today for the first time and I got a good one (in detail update on my story page above) and he did a CBC in the office and I got the results right away and I'm confused at the unexpected results. A lot of the values got worse since I started supplementing surprisingly. I'll list out where the number started at below. The first two were done by the same diagnostics lab while the third was done in the doctors office today.
April 15th (No Supplementation)
White Blood Cell Count - 3.1 (Normal 3.8 - 10)
Red Blood Cell Count - 3.93 (N 4.2 - 5.8)
Hemoglobin - 12.7 (N 13.2 - 17.1)
Hemocrit - 36.2 (N 38.5 - 5.0)
MCV - 92.1 (N 80 - 100)
MCH - 32.3 (N 27 - 33)
MCHC - 35.1 (N 32- 36)
Platelets - 197 (N 140 - 400)
May 1st (Day 1 of Supplementation)
WBC - 3.4 Low but better (good)
RBC - 3.96 Low but better (good)
HGB - 12.7 Unchanged (neutral)
HCT - 36.6 Low but better (good)
MCV - 92.4 Normal but higher and worse (BAD)
MCH - 32.1 Lower and better (good)
MCHC - 34.7 Lower and better (good)
Platelets- 151 Lower but worse (BAD)
May 15th (Today, Day 15 of Supplementation)
WBC - 3.6 Low but better (good)
RBC - 3.76 Lower and worse (BAD)
HGB - 13.1 Higher, normal and better (good)
HCT - 36.2 Lower and worse (BAD)
MCV - 96.4 Higher and worse (BAD)
MCH - 34.8 Higher and worse (BAD)
MCHC - 36.2 Higher and worse (BAD)
Platelets- 168 Higher and better (good)
I cant make sense of these test results. You'll see that from the first test to the second, things improved marginally with no b12 supplementation. Then from the 2nd test to the 3rd, more values got worse than got better even though I've been soaking my system heavily with all different types of B12 for two weeks. Shouldn't things now be beginning to improve? Now that I have clinically high MCH and MCHC, this confirms macrocytic anemia and a B12 deficiency. This is supposed to be fixable with B12 supplementation but it's going the other way for me...
If there is any insight anybody could provide, I would definitely appreciate it.
With love.