I have recently had my 5 loading B12 injections for vitamin B12 deficiency. My starting level was 167 and after a blood test after 2 weeks of finishing they were 1227. I am wondering if anyone can tell me if this is normal. I unfortunately have had very little information from my Doctor's so any help would be appreciated
B12 levels after loading dose - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 levels after loading dose

Hi yeah that's normal. I had a level of 93 in november and finished my loading doses in december. Had a blood test in February and my levels were roundabout 1000+. Did you have the blood test because you didnt feel the magic fix like what people think you get from it by any chance?
Yes , that’s fine. Your levels need to stay high too, if you have PA . Your GPwill not have good knowledge of P.A. probably so stay in touch with this forum , and perhaps buy some books on the condition , written by our Chairman Martyn Hooper ( available on Amazon) Use amazon Smile and choose P.A.S. as your charity and Amazon will donate at no cost to yourself . Best wishes

an injection basically loads up the amount in your blood to enormous levels and then it falls over time as excess is removed by kidneys etc. The average time taken is 1 month with cyanocobalamin and 2 months with hydroxocobalamin but there is huge individual variation, and can be a year or more for some people and can be a week or so for others .... and some retain hydroxo longer than cobalamin.

Yes, it is what you would expect. This is why medical advice is not to test serum B12 levels after injections are started. There might be a couple of reasons to test: if you continued to deteriorate despite the B12, or if oral treatment and you are suspected of not taking tablets. I can't see a reason for a blood test so soon after loading -it seems pointless.
Interesting that you got loading doses with a level of 167. I had the same.e level and was told it was borderline normal and didn't need loading doses in spite of gastric and neurological problems. This highlights the different treatment we get depending on gp and where we live. Glad you are getting treated and hope you feel better soon
Yeah pretty normal, but how do you feel is the most important thingShould be bouncing off the walls
I feel worse that when I started. Its a really long story. I had a Right Hemicolectomy for Bowel cancer 8 years ago and have not been well since. I have been past around the NHS without anyone wanting to take any ownership. I have been suffering with multiple things that now I understand could be down to low B12 and Ferritin, Folate and Vitamin D levels.I have been diagnosed recently with Bile Acid Malapsorption but do not have the classic symptoms so they now think I may have Small Intestinal bacterial overgrowth. I can not tolerate the antibiotics to treat this so I have been passed on again to a different hospital for them to investigate. Its hard to get any information from my GP.
I have felt sick and lethargic with bad headaches since I finished the B12 loading doses. I have also had a rash appear on the back of my neck. Is it normal to feel like this. I also had started Vitamin D baby drops (the only ones I could tolerate) but have stopped taking them until I get some advice from the new Gastroenterologist .