I’ve been self injecting, not very confident but needs must. I can’t seem to get the whole dose in, there is always a bit left in the end of the syringe. Am I supposed to leave some air in the end before injecting? Also bled a lot after last one and worried I’d put it into a vein, I don’t aspirate, basically try and get it over and done with! Any tips to improve my technique and confidence, thank you!
Can you get im injections wrong?! - Pernicious Anaemi...
Can you get im injections wrong?!

I’m a beginner but I watched loads of instructional videos before I did my first IM injection. I also took the advice from a kind member here who advised me to take a shower/bath and relax on the bed for the injection. Are you needle phobic?
Hi Mag999. You’re doing just fine ☺️ B12 left in the end of the syringe is normal, and you may see some leaking from the injection site (fine too, just massage the area). Hitting a vein can and does happen; it maybe painful for a short period and then bruise- but that’s fine. Sometimes it’s hurts a lot when injecting the b12, but that’s ok too. But I’m not a medical person so this is my own advice. Tips, there will be some great advice from others on this forum, I have a phobia of needles but I’ve been self injecting for 5 + years and I’ve found my calm way. I usually take deep breathes in and out. And then I slowly place the needle on my outer thigh, and when I breathe out, I slowly allow the needle to break the surface, and most the times it goes in smoothly (by the way: I can never allow myself to watch lol) Sometimes it’s more painful, but you’ll get to feel the difference when hitting a vein. If it really hurts, gently pull it out, take some deep breathes, relax and try another area. If no luck, try again later.
The more ‘practise’ you get, you’ll find your own confidence and comfort levels.
I was taught by my nurse and phlebotomist at my doctors surgery.
Hope this helps you a bit, and good luck. You’ve got this 🙌🏽
Don't worry about leaving a bit behind, it's a lot less than it looks.
When you bleed after an injection it's almost certainly because you've gone through a small vein in the skin on the way down into the muscle. There aren't any veins large enough for you to inject into actually in the muscle. Next time you buy some ham (real ham, not reconstituted stuff) have a good look and you'll find no blood vessels. That's the pig equivalent of your thighs.
I found this helpful the one time I did an IM injection m.youtube.com/watch?v=XFog6...
I do sub cutaneous now which I find a lot easier.
I used to find some B12 left in the syringe , until I used a 2ml syringe for a 1ml ampoule . The waste annoyed me . Try using a 2 ml syringe if your ampoule is 1ml Pull out the plunger . After opening the ampoule , depress the plunger , injecting air into the ampoule . Do it slowly or the B12 will “ boil over “) Then pull out the plunger and every drop of precious B12 will get into the syringe ( turn the empty ampoule upside down and there will not be a drop left ) . You will have some air in the syringe which you get rid of after replacing the withdrawing needle with your fine injecting needle , and depressing the plunger till a tiny bead of red B12 appears on the tip . Ready to go !
I have a slightly different experience as my injection is a pre-filled injector pen ( for my Rheumatoid Arthritis) but sounds like similar issues. For me, I wait a good 15 minutes after showering to let all the veins and little capillaries settle and cool a bit. I choose to inject into my thigh but that’s my choice. If it bleeds it’s likely you caught a capillary rather than a vein so maybe just check the site a little more before injecting. With the pen it seems getting the angle correct makes a difference too. Sounds like your experience is very similar to many of us. Some times it’s fine others is a bit painful and bloody.... you are not alone!
I too switched to subcutaneous injections, the slower absorption rate took away nausea I would get from IM. It’s always completely painless as well, unlike the occasional IM that hurts.
But we don't know that SC absorption is slower than IM. It might be faster.
But it's very likely that both are similar - about 3 hours to reach a peak in the blood.
I can only speak from personal experience and SC I get no nausea, IM I do.
There are a number of studies on this with other medication, they all point to longer absorption times via SC. With HGH it’s 2hrs via IM to peak and 8-10hrs back to baseline, 4hrs with SC and 18hrs back to baseline.
No, they do not all point to slower absorption with SC.
For methotrexate there is little difference.
For Human chorionic gonadotropin SC gives higher blood levels.
For morphine there is no difference.
For SC injections the BMI can make large differences to the absorption.
For epinephrine IM in the thigh results in a higher blood concentration than SC. But SC is higher than IM into the arm.
Until somebody does an experiment on B12 itself then you cannot say which has the faster absorption.
I agree and my assumption is merely anecdotal, yours suggesting they would be the same is also just that, an assumption.