Could this be low vit b12?! - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Could this be low vit b12?!

Mollieharry profile image
11 Replies

Just getting this off my chest.I am a Carer in the community.a new client has just came on to my run,just to get help with personal care.she’s just a wee rickle of bones,not an ounce of fat anywhere.i thought she had a diagnosis,(I actually thought she had cancer).she said there was nothing wrong with her,except that she had over a while lost her appetite and struggled to eat and more recently to weak and tired to get washed and dressed.just seemed to have lost interest in anything.she said her sight had got worse too.i saw that she had been prescribed ferrous femourate and folic acid,no other just told her dietician would help set a plan to build her back up.looking at her and my mind screams deficient in vit b12.Maybe nothing to do with it and I’m thinking if she’s been prescribed the other two meds this would have been checked too,but I can’t help wondering.funny when you’ve had it yourself it makes you think about other people just maybe being missed.

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Mollieharry profile image
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11 Replies
Nackapan profile image

No harm in asking her if her b12 was checked . I'm sure she wont mind. She may have her blood results.

Its nice tou thinking for her . Needed as we know at times.

wedgewood profile image

You are indeed kind to think about your client’s health . Tell her to ask for a print out of her blood test . Knowing what I now know about B12 deficiency / pernicious Anaemia , I’m convinced that my mother died because of it . It takes a long time and is a terrible way to go .

In old age , we all produce less and less stomach acid , and as we on this forum know , B12 is the most difficult vitamin to absorb . I think that you are right to be concerned about her vitamin B12 status . Can you record that in your notes on her ?

Best wishes to you in your wonderful work .

Bonjourtristesse profile image

I have thought this about several people who I know are suffering. I would bear in mind (if you haven’t already) that the level could still be in range and the patient sick. Looking at my old tests, my b12 was 300 and I was exhausted all day long with not energy to do anything. I was told I was fine. B12 has helped me enormously. Good luck.

Vps1980 profile image
Vps1980 in reply to Bonjourtristesse

Do you mind me asking how you were diagnosed? My range is 277 and I can hardly walk now.

Bonjourtristesse profile image
Bonjourtristesse in reply to Vps1980

I was not diagnosed. Despite paying for private tests which showed that even with supplements my b12 had dropped to 200 I was told this was fine. I suggested a trial of injections and was refused.

I paid privately for injections at a clinic until lockdown. Then when the clinic shut, I bought my own from Germany.

I am sorry to hear that you are suffering. If your gp is friendly they may consider a trial. Some people have success at getting some kind of treatment. It can be very tiring and many people give up and self treat.

Vps1980 profile image
Vps1980 in reply to Bonjourtristesse

Thank you so much for your response and I’m so sorry you have had to go through that, I’m booked in for bloods in the morning been feeling awful for 6 months, doctors are aware of all my symptoms but keep going on about an endoscopy as they think I have high stomach acid pfffffft

Bonjourtristesse profile image
Bonjourtristesse in reply to Vps1980

If you are having reflux issues you might try the fast tract diet book by Norman Robillard. I have had pretty good success dealing with heartburn using diet (most of the problems I do have is if I don’t eat correctly). I was also prescribed PPI’s. A lot of people with b12 issues also seem to have digestive issues which I guess would make sense.

Vps1980 profile image
Vps1980 in reply to Bonjourtristesse

I tried ppi’s and they made my stomach worse unfortunately as I think I have low stomach acid, do you mind me asking what dose you started with? Are you in the U.K.? I really want to start treating this as the pain and numbness is getting worse daily.

Bonjourtristesse profile image
Bonjourtristesse in reply to Vps1980

I didn’t take the PPI’s. I think I had 8 x weekly injections and then went to monthly. After 3 months of lockdown I think I had 2 x week and then moved to 2 x month. Most people on here are in the U.K. I think you are supposed to have every other day until no improvement if neuro symptoms are present but that assumes doctors will dx/treat. If you start a new question you will probably get more responses.

Vps1980 profile image
Vps1980 in reply to Bonjourtristesse

Thank you ❤️

rosegrower profile image

Wedgewood is right to point out that a normal B 12 level by blood test does not rule out B 12 deficiency. I have suffered also from that error. The diagnosis has to be made by looking at the clinical picture and confirming the diagnosis with a trial of treatment with vitamin B12 supplements.

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