Just called into my GP for a first "monthly" B12 injection, due to the usual admin error, no prescription ready. We went on to have a discussion re why changed to monthly etc, nurse then quoted "blood tests every 12 weeks blah blah blah..." I then started commencing my speech on serum B12 and active B12 and "no more blood tests for life". She said she was only repeating what she has learnt and that her mum in law has PA and she wished she had knew all this information. I told her to look up Martyn Hooper and read up regarding NICE guidelines. She informed me that the surgery was giving tablets out to most patients, yet I continued to have injections (lucky me, no idea why). I informed her that has I worked for the NHS for 7 years as a complaints officer, and now I work in legal for a gp, my daughter is under a neurologist and me under a gastro consultant, that I am knowledgeable and would be geared up for any complaint necessary. She seemed very impressed and thanked me.
We both agreed that the admin at my gp centre is diabolical. I got tearful this morning as seeing the issues first hand and knowing that patients are suffering unnecessarily. I really hope this nurse now finds more knowledge and helps more patients as necessary, obviously including her mum in law.
I did say I was also prepared to self inject if necessary (actually I do.. .shh..) but seeing a nurse gave us both the opportunity to discuss other issues and ask questions. Especially as I have ongoing stomach problems, bloating, gas and diarrhoea, which I now take probiotics for and put it down to a side effect of PA. I do not drink alcohol or caffeine (boring life) in the hope that this will clear up or at lease ease.
Well best I get on with my GP's legal work and take a breath now I am late for work!