My mum is going to get injections waiting fir specialist to tell gp.
I was thinking of ordeeing her some b12 but what would best fir by passing any malabsorbtion? And does mum need to take anything with it?
I have mfthr two genes so one maybe from mum but also nan had pa so , does that complicate what to get?
Mum has severe timgling wakes up with it down her face and had quite a few falls. She wakes up numb legs. Gets bouts if feeling very strange bad. Bad headaches fatigue very tiered . And doesnt tolerate any stress and really struggling to work.
Also on thyroxine just been raised slightly .
Would patches maybe help a little whilst she us waiting? She has git the result 160 so she will get injections just may be couple if weeks yet.
She gets very anxious, irritable and very low times.
Would my mum maybe need some adrenal suppport? Hoping b12 gets her better. She struggles to loose any weight aswell.
Be good if we can get her some relief now
Thankyou x