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Reoccurring yeast infections with high b12 level

Dottie301 profile image
27 Replies


Trying to figure out why I've been having reoccurring yeast infections. Just got back my b12 level and it's high at 1091 I looked up my previous one two years ago and it was even higher. No one said to stop taking b12 which I've been doing for many years. The reoccurring infections have been also going on for years for years. I also have muscle cramps (Charlie horses) in my legs, memory loss and some tingling in my hands. I was just diagnosed from hypothyroid to hyperthyroidism and am being treated with a medication adjustment. So my question is can an elevated b12 cause yeast infections? I've been dealing with both for years., but I wasn't aware about the blood test results until I just got it, and then looked up the previous one. Prior to that one, one was done many years ago, and it was low. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Dottie301 profile image
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27 Replies
wedgewood profile image

No , high levels of B12 do not cause yeast infections . I have heard from others that probiotics can help yeast infections. In the past , I’ve used a very good probiotic called Symprove .A liquid water -based preparation . Unfortunately expensive . There are cheaper capsules . Also organic sauerkraut, kimchi , kefir and proper yoghurt are excellent natural probiotics which one can make at home .

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to wedgewood

Have been a yogurt eater for years. Had to have 3 rounds of medication for symptoms to improve of latest infection. Started probiotics about 6 weeks ago. Have about with doc tomorrow for culture to see if infection is in fact gone.

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Dottie301

The yoghurt should be with out sugar -real yoghurt no flavouring organic and pure .Not supermarket brands . Organic kefir has a much greater and varied range of good bacteria ( probiotics ) than yoghurt

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to wedgewood

OK, thank you for that info.

Sleepybunny profile image


Do you eat a diet that has a lot of sugar?

Cutting back sugary foods helped when I had constant yeast/fungal infections.

Link about candidiasis

Link about thrush infections

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to Sleepybunny

Since covid yes, but not as a rule I don't.

earthnymph profile image
earthnymph in reply to Dottie301

Sorry this is brief, off to work shortly. I’ve found capryllic acid excellent at dealing with thrush, it succeeded where doctors failed. It’s found in coconut oil. You can get capryllic acid in tablets off the internet. Good luck x

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to Sleepybunny

With the latest infection, I think I was eating too much sugar. But every year I would go for my annual visit and was found to have an infection and not even know it. That has been happening for about 4 years. Previously I had followed a low carb diet and really didn't eat a lot of sugar but there is those hidden sugars. Or food you think is good for you and really isn't.

Lurcher-lady profile image
Lurcher-lady in reply to Sleepybunny

Was just going to say that Sleepybunny. There’s nothing worse than sugar for yeast infections, foggy brain, blurred vision etc etc I’ve just had a big birthday and after returning back from family get together, just getting over the various reactions to the dreaded sugar. Next week all will be back to normal :)

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to Lurcher-lady

I definitely have foggy brain too!

cocoa profile image

I found the only way to eliminate yeast infections was by diet.

It not only involved excluding sugar but many other things e.g. fruit, processed foods, mushrooms and Marmite. There are many others too numerous to mention.

It is worth the effort, I am cured but am always careful not to go back to old habits.

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to cocoa

I think I will really have to analyze my diet and see how it effects my infections. Thanks!

TFH1 profile image

Have you had your blood sugar levels checked recently? Sorry to say Coeliac and Diabetes can go hand in hand and recurrent yeast infections are one one of the warning signs of raised blood sugars. Good idea to get that checked if you haven't already and make sure GP aware that you are suffering from these regularly. Like the others I recommend avoiding fast carb foods such as white bread, white flours and pasta (which can cause blood sugar spikes) in favour of wholemeal and less carbs generally. If I do get a yeast infection, I use a live yoghurt (both to eat and topically) to alter the balance of bacteria in favour of the good guys.

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to TFH1

Blood sugar last week was fine, but it wasn't a fasting one. It's been borderline for years. I don't do many carbs. Rarely bread, pasta maybe once a month but add zucchini noodles. Rice one a month if that. Split a sweet potato with hubby once or twice a week. I do have some chips at times or a pkg of cookies. But they are the individual pkg. So I'm not pigging out. I try to eat lower carb. We do eat low carb ice cream nightly mixed with a little regular ice cream.

TFH1 profile image
TFH1 in reply to Dottie301

Have the docs given you a glucose tolerance test? This is where they check your fasting level and then give you something sweet to eat (in the old days it ised to be a drink of lucozade, but now due to the sugar tax most of the sugar has been removed, a can of coke would do it) and then check it again after 2 hours. If your blood sugar level is above 11.1 diabetes is diagnosed. Of course you could consider taking matters into your own hands a little here. You can buy a blood sugar kit from supermarkets / pharmacies / online for around £10. Then you could keep a closer eye on what the blood sugar is doing and what drives it to go too high, plus you are in a better position to take further action if they are either pre-diabetic or diabetic levels as blood tests at the docs only provide a snap shot. Worth reading some of the books out there for reversing diabetes with diet and exercise (if it's a type 2 issue) or getting onto insulin if (if it's becoming a type 1 issue). Raised blood sugar levels wreak havoc on the body and you will feel oh so much better, once they are under control. Good luck!

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to TFH1

No, I'm going to ask for a A1c. I did have gestational diabetes 32 yrs. Ago and was told I would get diabetes within 5yrs. But has held off. I do the treadmill or walk daily so I think that has helped me keep things under control.

High B12 does not cause yeast infections. Low stomach acid and dysbiosis do however play a part. Cut out sugar and foods with high carbs (pasta) as yeast love them. Diet is your first line of attack. Then supplement with caprylic acid softgels 3 times a day (I use NOW brand). Also supplement with oregano softgels 3 times a day (I use Zane brand). Do this for six weeks and take high strength probiotics (Symprove is only 10 billion CFU). I use 100 billion CFU twice a day. Take them 2 hours before or after the caprylic acid and oregano. That protocol shifted my infection and I was negative on retest. Good luck.

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to

Thank you for information it's very helpful. I go today to be retested. I couldn't even get back in with my regular doctor and have to see the NP. And, I just saw the doctor a month ago. So the NP probably won't even be as knowledgeable as you. When I mentioned about the infections reoccurring they just blow me off. It's very frustrating, because there's a reason behind it and I don't just want treatment for it I want to know the cause. But doctors sometimes just want to treat you. Thanks again!

Lurcher-lady profile image
Lurcher-lady in reply to Dottie301

I e given up on gp’s Dottie301. I’m yet to find one that looks at the whole picture and doesn’t try to tell me it’s anxiety. The only anxiety I have is frustration at doctors need to throw steroids, statins and other rubbish at me. After following this group I’ve not seen a doctor for a long time.

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to Lurcher-lady

I'm also dealing with thyroid issues too. I feel like I have to become a researcher and detective too to get to the bottom of things. I told the doctor that my heart rate was irregular that morning and he said "well it isn't now". My test came back going from hypothyroid to hyperthyroidism and I told his nurse my heart was irregular. She said she would check with the doctor. They changed my meds and said, have another blood test in 4 weeks. But the office still has never called me back about my irregular heart beat. Apparently they don't care. I'm leaving that practice and seeing a new doctor on Friday. My b12 was high but they told me all my test we're normal. It took them a week to give me my abnormal thyroid blood test results. Plus the doctor lied on his records and said he did a full exam on me when he did not. They even gave my medication listed incorrect, because they never asked. I am ready to report this doctor to his supervisor

I'm very frustrated!

in reply to Dottie301

I wish you luck. In my experience GPs are dismissive of fungal infection in the intestines. More obvious to detect if it’s oral or female. I had a lab test from an accredited lab so insisted on antifingals. It came back a few months later but the herbal regime I described was just as effective. I take smaller doses and avoid too much sugar to keep it away.

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to

Saw the APRN today, she wasn't familiar with the treatment recommended. She also couldn't tell me why she thought I was has having reoccurring infections. I brought my glucose levels from the last 8 years and only one was slightly elevated. She said she really couldn't answer about the b12 because there isn't really studies on the effects of the vitamins and they aren't regulated. She did another culture, so I will see how that turns out. Thanks for all your input!

SashaFabulous profile image
SashaFabulous in reply to Dottie301

I’m suffering from the same problem right now! That’s how I came across your post. Whenever I stop taking my b12 supplements my yeast infection symptoms go away. Whenever I start taking it back, the symptoms return. Most people have allergic reactions to cobalt found in b12. I also get itchy all over my body. I’m fully convinced that it’s affecting my yeast balance.

Spottycupcake profile image

Hi my yeast infections started when I had low B12 and all the symptoms mainly on my feet. I cut out all sugar and started on probiotics And had B12 injections and all went away. Had to use lamisil and hydro cortisone mixed for foot fungus infection and went in a few days. Cured the outside and the inside at the same time.

Dottie301 profile image
Dottie301 in reply to Spottycupcake

What I'm hearing from everyone is that sugar is the culprit. Got it, no more sugar. Thanks!

Vps1980 profile image
Vps1980 in reply to Dottie301

Hi Dottie can I ask what test told you you had a yeast infection? Xx

Lurcher-lady profile image
Lurcher-lady in reply to Spottycupcake

Also a mild tea tree solution helps with external yeast problems ;)

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