Two years later after near death experience due to PA. Neuropathy still alive, but changing very SLOWLY and still making progression.
I found out a website that sells ampules 5MG (5000ug A.K.A. micro grams) methylcobalamin the good stuff.
Website is Dutch.
Hydroxocobalamin is available on Amazon. I can't believe people are waiting for three In-between jabs. I still to notice neuropathy and symptoms increasing after 5 DAYS!! I self medicate three injections a week 1000ug, gonna increase to two times a week 5000ug. I believe high doses are needed to heal nerve damage. Also take high dosis of folic acid and supportive vitamins.
I believe I can cure my neuropathy with diet, vigorous exercise and overdosing on B12 and with added Wim hof cold therapy and heat therapy combined. I still am improving and life right now is bearable. Energy levels are pretty good, I can work, handle the children and daily activities. At my worst a 5 minute stroll around the block was too tiring, painful and stressful. I couldn't hold my phone for 5 minutes without getting burning pain through my arms, yet the doctor told me it was all in my head. It wasn't, you all failed to do your job accordingly.
Don't trust your doctor into knowing that they know how to deal with B12. The information they have on this condition is not one shoe fits all. Every person needs different amounts of B12, like each person with diabetes needs different amounts of insulin to survive. The condition is for every single person different. Trust your gut, if you think you need more B12, you probably do. The highest max save dosing is 5000ug a day, it won't kill you. You can even deal with 200.000ug on the short term.
Be well everybody and remember time is your best friend when it comes to healing, but also will power. Take action to heal, exercise if you can, go on a low Fodmap diet if you can, do mindfulness and wellness, keep on the fight. There is always ways to improve even though you're bedridden, you can improve by sitting on a chair for 5 minutes. Small steps will lead to greater steps.
It's true is very painful and hard sometimes. I've experienced the hell, but came out better and still am going upwards.