B12 injections and weight loss? - Pernicious Anaemi...

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B12 injections and weight loss?

HopetoB12better profile image
19 Replies

So I’m on b12 injections for deficiency. But, as I continue to research my condition, I keep seeing ads for b12 injections for weight loss. I am certainly not a fan of doing anything unnatural for weight loss, but since I am already on injections, I am wondering if anyone is actually seeing weight loss from them? Getting rid of 10 lbs would definitely be a bonus after going through hell for a long time!! (Also, I find that I am very “regular” after starting the injections, which was a HUGE problem for me in the past. Also, I do notice that my appetite went from “starving all the time” to just eating on a somewhat regular schedule (breakfast lunch dinner) and smaller portions fill me up! Coincidence or no?

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HopetoB12better profile image
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19 Replies
Nackapan profile image

No not a coincidence. At the start I lost 10lbs. However I wad hungry despite being g bedbound at the time ate everything put I front of me . It helped nausea and headaches.

Constipation is one of the symptoms of b12 deficiency. I remember at there start being concerned as stills were bright yellow and regular. No one commented on it.

I thought I was cured when it was normal again.

For me maybe the I jutisk loading doses speeded up my metabolism.

Like you see green stools with babies at times.

I was worried as liver problems I thi k can do it too. Doctors never commented which i thought odd??

Despite not having any alcohol or many sweets at all. I blamed both for weight gain with the menopause. I've put on the lost weight and 8 lbs more.

I'm used to being slim.

So many clothes given away as either too small or too striped or bus y. Gives mr head pain.

I've upped my Injections and revisiting horrible vestibular symptoms I thought were behing me. Nausea . Head pain. Sizzlongin my head. Vision so down. Aching all over.

Hope a blip or extra b12 doing more repair.

Hope you are making improvements and lose a little weight. TC

JBCADR profile image
JBCADR in reply to Nackapan

I was also very constipated and now have yellow stools! I was worried about my liver too! What happened with yours?

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to JBCADR

I returned to normal. Doctors were not I terested when I said my concerns about bright yellow stools. ??

It only happened right at the start and not happened since.

My bloods did have liver function on them. I thought at the time b12 speeding up my whole metabolism caused it. I wasnt yellow at any time.

JBCADR profile image
JBCADR in reply to Nackapan

I still had yellow yesterday. The doctor said we could do a stool study. But she also told me it’s likely that I wasn’t eating very much and it can cause that too. I had no interest in food for weeks and lost about 10 lbs

HopetoB12better profile image
HopetoB12better in reply to JBCADR

I would definitely get the stool thing looked at soon. Yellow could definitely mean something with your liver. Needs looked at and let us know!

JBCADR profile image
JBCADR in reply to HopetoB12better

My bloodwork showed that my liver was fine and I even had a ct scan of my abdomen and they didn’t see anything. I did mention it. She ran a celiacs test and it came back normal.

JBCADR profile image
JBCADR in reply to HopetoB12better

She also said it could be due to my anxiety or stress. That causes it to move quicker through your system. I also mentioned it to my GI doctor who is doing an endoscopy in August. She’s checking for celiacs by biopsy and also wants me to do an IBS bloodwork panel. I’ll keep an eye on it, but so far things have checked out.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to JBCADR

Sounds like all possible tests being done. Mine went but I 3as eating and as I said alarmed how bright yellow. No pain though.

Quick transit was what I concluded.

Hope you start to eat better . Little and often is good.

Let us know what tests say.

fbirder profile image

It's a scam. It's designed to extract money from the rich and gullible. If you do not have a deficiency then B12 injections will do precisely nothing. The people who offer these 'treatments' are, in the word of the Dragon, Deborah Meaden, "all that is wrong with this world".

However, if you do have a real deficiency then B12 treatment can help you lose weight - or it can help you put it on. How can it do both?

One of the most common symptom of a B12 deficiency is depression. And depression can affect people's appetites in contrary ways. Some people lose their appetite. These people will lose weight when depressed. Others indulge in comfort eating. These people will put on weight while deficient.

Once the B12 treatment starts to fix the depression then eating habits will return to normal. Those who indulged in comfort eating (like me) will find it easier to lose weight when the depression lifts. The other lot will find it easier to put on weight they lost during the depression.

I lost 10 kg because I no longer felt the urge to eat cakes, sweets, and biscuits all the time. Last year my Easter eggs (all three) were finished in December. Before treatment they might have lasted three days.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to fbirder

So true! I've hardly touched chocolate. I must be the comfort eater. Also when I'm weary I eat more sugar. I was certainly getting more and more tired before diagnosis

Now fatigue all of the time though ?

HopetoB12better profile image
HopetoB12better in reply to Nackapan

No fatigue! Gone! I am amazed!!!

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to HopetoB12better

How wonderful!

wedgewood profile image

It’s a load of absolute nonsense ! The “ beauty clinics / therapists“:or whatever they choose to call themselves , know very well that the words “weight loss” work like a charm . I’ve also seem B12 hyped to get rid of wrinkles as well . . If you have B12 injections and cut down calories and do lots of exercise, you will lose weight . But you can do that without B12 injections . I suppose these same people don’t suggest using tablets for the same purpose? No !

This nonsense can work against P.A. patients trying to get extra injections . Doctors think that these patients want extra B12 injections because of this present fad . But by all means try it ! At least it’s not dangerous .

JanD236 profile image

If you’re eating less you’ll likely lose weight. The reason for that is because you’re eating less, not because the B12 has done anything to speed up your metabolism. Claims that B12 injections will aid weight loss must surely be rubbish.

Before my PA diagnosis I lost a bit of weight. I was exercising less because of exhaustion but lost weight because I was also eating less due to discomfort in my stomach and also constipation that left me feeling stuffed up and full. Id also stopped drinking alcohol as the smallest amount would give me nausea and a hangover for days after.

Once I started B12 injections and also took steps to help my digestion (probiotics and betaine HCL & pepsin with meals) I was able to eat more and had to think a bit more carefully about food choices to stop me putting on weight. I also returned to more exercise so that helped prevent weight gain.

Showgem profile image

I lost weight and quite a lot of muscle before my PA diagnosis, after starting b12 injections I've put the weight back on and gained a little extra weight! It's taking longer to build up the muscle again but despite weekly injections I still tire really quickly so losing the extra weight and getting my strength back is difficult. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia years ago and was hoping this was a misdiagnosis but maybe not.

Miss-guineapig profile image

Your comment really made me smile and made my day. I am on slimming world as I need to lose weight. B12 injections never made me lose weight, infact it's one side effect of any drug that never works for me!! Hahaha, think it's got something to do with chocolate, cakes and biscuits for me. Wishing you all the best 'HopetoB12better', love your name by the way xx

KimD66 profile image

I've dropped 60 pounds since B12 shots. Of course there are other facto (1 year). s also responsible. However, it's entirely possible the B12 didn't hurt!

Georgialb97 profile image

Hi , I lost 3 stone before I started my injections . I've never put the weight back on . My appetite always comes back after the injection then wains after about 8 weeks . B12 for weight loss ? I'm the opposite

Boodlecat profile image

I have never lost weight. Just the opposite. I have to really control my eating otherwise I will start putting it on again. Losing 10lbs would be my ideal, but I still have problems with putting on weight.

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